Prayer Wall

God Answers When We Pray

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another,
that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has
great power as it is working."

James 5:16, ESV

Praying for the needs of others is a noble deed. Do remember to click on the I prayed for this button. The requestors would love to know how many times their prayers have been echoed.

If you wish to share your prayer on this wall, please submit your online prayer request here. Our dedicated team at The Salvation Garden is at your service. We collect your prayers and assist you in sending them to God from The Holy Land.

Please Dear God, please watch over Jimmy. Let his colonoscopy on December 4th go smoothly with no complications. Please don’t let there be any cancer there. Please keep him healthy and strong. Please help us financially so he doesn’t worry so much. Please heal Roy’s wife, Cynthia of all her health issues. Bring her to good health. His daughter as well. Please bring Peace to this world. Please heal my sons health issues and have him draw closer to you in prayer and his girlfriend as well. Please keep me cancer free and heal my knees so I can walk and drive again. Thank you so much for all the prayers you have answered for me. Have Mercy on us all.
November 09, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Ebony Whitfield
I pray for my mom Return from heaven back down on Earth I pray for miracle to happen in our family is our beloved mom to come back to life and back with her family there’s is nothing else we want in this world is our mommy she was born 11/18/1960 we pray on her birthday that’s god will answer our prayers and gives us our miracle please god answer our prayers our family is struggling with our loss of our mom and uncle we very desperately needed a miracle to happen for the Whitfield family I’m begging you God please Answer our prayers and gives us our mommy back from heaven and back down to earth gives us hope and our miracle Amen
November 08, 2023 Prayed for 5 times. I prayed for this
Heavenly Father, I thank you for providing me with a job and giving me the strength to endure each day. The past few acting managers have been so awful. It used a be a fantastic place, but now since my manager left. There seems to be so much evil. I pray for a miracle that my manager will return. He was suppose to a few months ago. Please, I beg thee please intercede and somehow bring Phil back to our station for all of us.
November 07, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Please Hashem send me my B’sheret. As soon as possible given your heavy hands and very tragic times. Let the rapture begin. Amen. 🙏🙌☝️✡️✝️♥️
November 07, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
LORD please heal John Moman completely of this physical illness allowing him to continue your work.
November 06, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Please God, please let everything be okay with Jimmy. No cancer. Bring good health and happiness to him and peace of mind. Help us financially so he doesn’t have to worry so much. Please heal my heart and intestines and keep me cancer free - please heal Christopher’s intestines and help him lose weight and find his way back to you. Please heal Fred Kyle and Sherry Kyle. Please make Lacey Turn to you. Let her really love and care for Christopher. Help them to be good to each other. Please heal Linnette Bell, Linda Heath and her sister Mary, and Dennis and Wanda Story. Please God have mercy on us all and bring peace to this world.
November 06, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Willie & Victoria Gilmore
We Tithe, give Alms, Offerings by helping others. Recompensed for all that is owed to us. VA Disability increased now. Debt free so we can give more and blessings to others. We pray for Israel 🇮🇱 🙏. Taliban is evil, believing for their Salvation. Praying for President Trump to become our Leader again!
November 05, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
To completely remove all signs of bad cancer cells in my body before meeting with the doctor this coming Tuesday.

Help the poor souls in Israel and Gaza.
November 04, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Chantal Routhier-Garner
Dear God, I pray that you answer my prayers. I ask that I can be remission, good health and live many, many years so that I can get to spend time with my family and be there to enjoy my grand-daughter grow up. I also ask that my bone scan results come back with no cancer. I plead with you to answer my prayers and thank you for everything that you have done for me in my life. Please also help me with my depression, anxieties and bring me good health and happiness for many years. Amen. Miracle Walk
November 03, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Michael Davis
You are so loved Father. I pray for your protection over your children of Israel. I fully trust and love and believe in them. I do and will continue to support them. Amen and AMEN
November 03, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
This is for my father Donald Smith and my Uncle Conroy Smith my grandfather Jocelyn Kidd and for other family members and love ones whom I have never met.

Kind regards

November 02, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
That my next scan in December shows no signs of cancer
November 02, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Kim E McKeller
Please pray for the soul's of Shirley and Edison Mckeller my beloved
parents. Also, my much loved brother Mitchell McKeller.
November 02, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Rebecca Martinez
I ask for prayers for my children Hector Antonio Medina and Josue Andres Medina that they may give their lives to the Lord and be baptized in his Holy Spirit and in water for the remission of their sins. I also ask for prayers for my Mom Maria Rebecca Peña Elizondo and my Dad Andres Martinez Palomares that the Lord heals them from head to toe of all their sickness and health issues. For myself I ask that the Lord makes a financial and spiritual breakthrough in my life and that he also heals me from Head to toe of all my health issues. I want to give him thanks and gratitude for allowing me to wake up every morning in his glory and grace. I also ask prayer that one day I can go to Jerusalem and visit the land where my Lord and savior was born. Thank you for all your prayer and blessings. May the Lord heal and send peace to Israel and Jerusalem 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️♥️♥️
November 02, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Andrea Guerrero
Complete healing for my Son Alex. Jesus said I can ask for complete healing if we ask for it. I am asking and grateful for Alex to receive 100% vision restoration faith in the love of God as his Son and relief from worry and anxiety. God bless all those who join me to pray for Alex the power of prayer is real
November 02, 2023 Prayed for 5 times. I prayed for this
Sam.njinda had been harassing me , wishing Me dead. Wishing I loose my nursing license , wishing I will.never progress saying untrue things about me ..I pray dam should never have peace till he confesses..he will reap.and never sows. He will be depressed and miserable all his life..he wished me loose his job but he will loose his job..all evil he prayed on me will go back to him..sam.will end been miserable the rest of his life till.he makes.peace with God and stop name. No peace for sam will follow.sam...amen sam will spend a sleepless night , he will be without a job. Sam wishes me dead . If any time sam tries to kill me , lord let u protect me.
November 02, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
I pray for ernest asoba the legal father of my child. I pray holy land will destroy any charms of the devil mary asoba is using to control ernest. Destroy the charms and the should be no peace in the house . Ernst and Mary shouldn't have no peace . Destroy them now. They will fight eveyday and be enemies. Any where mary or any one used my name say ernest should hate me ..destroy it peace. For ernest and mary this night and forver ..bring Ernst back to Brenda. Restore this relationship. Amen.
November 02, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
First I will pray for world peace and the safety of all its people.
Prayers for Anthony Anastasio husband and father and grandfather May God have mercey on his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed.
Health for me , my family and friends. Special prayers for Robett Nison SR and Frank Anthony Anastasio
November 01, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Margarita Margolles
I pray for healing on my grandmother. That she is healthy, healed & free of all spirit of sickness and cancer. My grandmother ( Edith Nodarse) has never had any health problems before.. ever. She is a servant of God her entire life. Thanks to her I was able to come to Jesus from a young age. She is my mom, my everything. Doctors found a small mass on her pancreas. I rebuke all bad news. That she is healed and the mass will shrink and disappear in Jesus name.

I pray for strength so I can be her rock and support system. I am all she has and she is all I have here. I pray for peace, happiness and abundance in our lives as we are servants of God and spread his word. I pray for wisdom to continue to share the beautiful presence of Jesus. I pray my grandfather is strong and health in Jesus name that he regains his strength and all prayer towards my family to rejoice in Jesus name.
November 01, 2023 Prayed for 6 times. I prayed for this
Apostle Whitaker
Father in the name of Jesus,

We pray for and are believing for peace in the world. Except for those that are damned to hell, because we been covering ppl God doesnt want. God is hurt and He is angry at us to the point that He doesnt want to give us anything He promised us..Lord please have mercy on us..According to 1 John 5:14-15...Let your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen.
November 01, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Healing miracle for Paul Baumann, my brother, as he has cancer that metastasized. He underwent two surgeries, gallbladder and colon. He is a faithful servant of Jesus Christ and has two beautiful sons who need him to show them the way of the Lord. Lord, let thy will be done and show them the way.
November 01, 2023 Prayed for 8 times. I prayed for this
Hear, O Israel, Our God is one, (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) We in the United States pray for your protection, God's chosen people. "Come to Me, says the Lord, and I will fight for you. Acknowledge and repent the offense against Me. The offense of not accepting My remedy for your sins, My remedy by sending My Holy Son, to take on your sins upon the cross. For I am a Holy God, and those who stand before Me must be Holy. My Son paid the debt you owed for sin. Now take My free Gift, accept my Son's sacrifice for your life and be clean.
November 01, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Panie Boże Wszechmogący w dzisiejszej mojej modlitwie chciałbym się pomodlić o rzeczy przyszłe tj. wszystko to co ma początek w tym momencie i biegnie w przyszłość ale nie nieokreśloną przyszłość tylko przyszłość określoną przez Ciebie
taką jaką Ty już widzisz a ja i inni ludzie dopiero zobaczymy za chwilę lub po pewnym czasie.
Boże proszę Cię byś prowadził mnie Twoją ścieżką/drogą która zmierza do kresu mojego życia na Ziemi a początku mojego drugiego życia w Twoim Królestwie zwanego przez nas - ludzi - Niebem.
Proszę Cię z całych moich sił strzeż Nas od złego, chorób i innych złych rzeczy które mogą się zdarzyć w czasie naszej ziemskiej wędrówki a jeśli by już się wydarzą, dawaj Nam jasne znaki byśmy szybko wrócili na właściwe tory.
Zdaję sobie sprawę z własnych słabości i ułomności dlatego spraw by każdy z Nas odnalazł własną Bożą drogę By była to bezpieczna ścieżka a nie niebezpieczna autostrada prowadząca do nikąd lub zguby
Dlatego chciałbym przeprosić Cię za wszystkie moje grzechy które uczyniłem i błagam Cię o ich odpuszczenie.
Na koniec proszę Cię o wysłuchanie próśb z poprzednich moich modlitw jak również chciałbym podziękować za wszystko co otrzymałem od Ciebie a w szczególności za dar życia.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Ruth Torres
Pray for me my name is Ruth Torres that what ever evil blockage is against me that my Almighty Jesus will destroy it. Also for my mental health I suffer with OCD. That God will heal me from this intrusive thoughts to let me live a healthy life. Prayers that the Lord Jesus bless and protect my children and grandchildren and my brothers and sisters will not be so prideful and unite us as a family. I've been seperated from my exhusband for 11 months now and that he will soon agree with the divorce. He has cause to much infidelity cause by witchcraft that another woman did to him. Also please pray for me that Our Lord Jesus will send me a good man I'm tired of cheaters and abusers who have done me wrong. Praying my home will sell and that the Lord will bless me to the other home I'm going to buy. Finally pray for me that my I may be bless finiancially. Thank you all for all your prayers , love and caring for others like you care for me. God truly bless you.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
I have had an unexplained pain in my bacj fot a week.Please pray for healing.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
James Winn
Please almighty and most merciful Lord Jesus Christ. Save the soul of my father Gerald Winn before he passes from this life. Please Oh God have mercy on him.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Holy father, please pray for all my family, relations and friends, and keep them safe from serious, illness, injury and sin. Pray that I may pass any exams that are currently required but if this is not the path you intend for me then put or continue me on the path that you have chosen for me and that allows me to retire fully from working, and that I can move forward positively to help others when I can. Help my family to always come together to support and love one another, and especially give my daughter the strength and knowledge to make the correct decisions in love, career and home life. That our world can work together for a peaceful existence, and that man can be kinder and respectful towards his fellow man. That we can also be kind towards our glorious planet, created by you, our Almighty father. Look after my family, relations and friends that are with you and looking to find a way into your kingdom of heaven. We pray for them every day and hope we will join them to be at your side, when the time is right . Help me to be a kind, caring and compassionate person every day of my life and that I constantly pray. Forgive me for all past and present transgressions and give me the understanding, to always do the right thing by you and your teachings. My holy father, Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mary, St Joseph, All Saints, Archangels, Angels and Guardian Angel, I trust in you . Look after us lord and guide us. Amen
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Vanódia Té
Please pray for me. I need Lord Jesus’ forgiveness and healing for me and my father. My father is currently in hospital waiting for heart surgery. I have been going through the pain and tribulations for many years. I pray for Lord Jesus to forgive all my sins and heal me and my father as well. I pray for guidance, protection, good health, blessings, peace, happiness, wisdom, competence, strength, prosperity, patience and compassion for me, my families and those I cared for amen. I pray for the souls in purgatory, conversion of sinners including me and my families, end of abortion, peace around the world, and end of the wars around the world. I pray for every single pregnant woman to have a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery without any pain and complications. I pray for God to help me to succeed in my studies as a nursing student to graduate and to succeed in my future career as a nurse, to become a good nurse full of wisdom, knowledge, strength, courage, commitment love and compassion to support others that are being placed in my care. I wish to get married and have my own family. I pray for God to bless me with a good husband and give me the grace to have children own my own in the future, and give me the grace and blessing to conceive twins, or triplets and quadruplets and to help me to raise my children under his guidance, protecting, caring, peace, love and wisdom. I pray for all women who are struggling to conceive naturally please Lord Jesus give them the grace to conceive and experience motherhood as their heart desires. I pray for God’s healing and forgiveness for all those who need my prayers. Lord Jesus Christ I trust in you. l claim all these in you holy name and the power of your precious blood amen.
October 30, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Rita Snono
Lord we ask that you carry George and Nadia through this difficult and trying time. We lift George to you. Please work your miracle on him and heal him from this cancer. Prolong his life for us and his family. Please don’t let him suffer with the side affects of the chemo. Lord hear our prayers. We pray in Jesus name .. Amen
October 30, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Allysa Allyana Dabandan Pol
Dear Lord Jesus Christ please answer my prayers for curing my depression and loneliness I have been alone without loving romantic companionship for such a long time it breaks my heart to think about not being good enough for someone. I have been victimized from sexual assault and harassment and have been drug induced in my sleep. Our homes have been robbed and invaded by a group of criminals and I have been paranoid over my past criminal charges that have been affecting my life I pray for a miracle that it’s not true and you have never left my side and loving embrace of deserving someone who’s just as faithful, strong, courageous, and compassionate. Please bring them into my life soon I have been so depressed being alone and without a partner. I must pray over my grandparents to get back together, my mother and father get pay raise and promotion at work, my brother and I be liberated from our criminal history and get good grades. I must pray for my future and safety to go back to Harvard University fall 2024 for achieve perfect grades and participation in the athletic department I must pray for my sobriety and privacy not to be invaded. I pray my abusers and rapist to to never contact me again and hope they realize the justice will be served.
October 29, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
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