Prayer Wall

God Answers When We Pray

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another,
that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has
great power as it is working."

James 5:16, ESV

Praying for the needs of others is a noble deed. Do remember to click on the I prayed for this button. The requestors would love to know how many times their prayers have been echoed.

If you wish to share your prayer on this wall, please submit your online prayer request here. Our dedicated team at The Salvation Garden is at your service. We collect your prayers and assist you in sending them to God from The Holy Land.

Panie Boże Wszechmogący w dzisiejszej mojej modlitwie chciałbym się pomodlić o rzeczy przyszłe tj. wszystko to co ma początek w tym momencie i biegnie w przyszłość ale nie nieokreśloną przyszłość tylko przyszłość określoną przez Ciebie
taką jaką Ty już widzisz a ja i inni ludzie dopiero zobaczymy za chwilę lub po pewnym czasie.
Boże proszę Cię byś prowadził mnie Twoją ścieżką/drogą która zmierza do kresu mojego życia na Ziemi a początku mojego drugiego życia w Twoim Królestwie zwanego przez nas - ludzi - Niebem.
Proszę Cię z całych moich sił strzeż Nas od złego, chorób i innych złych rzeczy które mogą się zdarzyć w czasie naszej ziemskiej wędrówki a jeśli by już się wydarzą, dawaj Nam jasne znaki byśmy szybko wrócili na właściwe tory.
Zdaję sobie sprawę z własnych słabości i ułomności dlatego spraw by każdy z Nas odnalazł własną Bożą drogę By była to bezpieczna ścieżka a nie niebezpieczna autostrada prowadząca do nikąd lub zguby
Dlatego chciałbym przeprosić Cię za wszystkie moje grzechy które uczyniłem i błagam Cię o ich odpuszczenie.
Na koniec proszę Cię o wysłuchanie próśb z poprzednich moich modlitw jak również chciałbym podziękować za wszystko co otrzymałem od Ciebie a w szczególności za dar życia.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Ruth Torres
Pray for me my name is Ruth Torres that what ever evil blockage is against me that my Almighty Jesus will destroy it. Also for my mental health I suffer with OCD. That God will heal me from this intrusive thoughts to let me live a healthy life. Prayers that the Lord Jesus bless and protect my children and grandchildren and my brothers and sisters will not be so prideful and unite us as a family. I've been seperated from my exhusband for 11 months now and that he will soon agree with the divorce. He has cause to much infidelity cause by witchcraft that another woman did to him. Also please pray for me that Our Lord Jesus will send me a good man I'm tired of cheaters and abusers who have done me wrong. Praying my home will sell and that the Lord will bless me to the other home I'm going to buy. Finally pray for me that my I may be bless finiancially. Thank you all for all your prayers , love and caring for others like you care for me. God truly bless you.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
I have had an unexplained pain in my bacj fot a week.Please pray for healing.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
James Winn
Please almighty and most merciful Lord Jesus Christ. Save the soul of my father Gerald Winn before he passes from this life. Please Oh God have mercy on him.
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Holy father, please pray for all my family, relations and friends, and keep them safe from serious, illness, injury and sin. Pray that I may pass any exams that are currently required but if this is not the path you intend for me then put or continue me on the path that you have chosen for me and that allows me to retire fully from working, and that I can move forward positively to help others when I can. Help my family to always come together to support and love one another, and especially give my daughter the strength and knowledge to make the correct decisions in love, career and home life. That our world can work together for a peaceful existence, and that man can be kinder and respectful towards his fellow man. That we can also be kind towards our glorious planet, created by you, our Almighty father. Look after my family, relations and friends that are with you and looking to find a way into your kingdom of heaven. We pray for them every day and hope we will join them to be at your side, when the time is right . Help me to be a kind, caring and compassionate person every day of my life and that I constantly pray. Forgive me for all past and present transgressions and give me the understanding, to always do the right thing by you and your teachings. My holy father, Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mary, St Joseph, All Saints, Archangels, Angels and Guardian Angel, I trust in you . Look after us lord and guide us. Amen
October 31, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Vanódia Té
Please pray for me. I need Lord Jesus’ forgiveness and healing for me and my father. My father is currently in hospital waiting for heart surgery. I have been going through the pain and tribulations for many years. I pray for Lord Jesus to forgive all my sins and heal me and my father as well. I pray for guidance, protection, good health, blessings, peace, happiness, wisdom, competence, strength, prosperity, patience and compassion for me, my families and those I cared for amen. I pray for the souls in purgatory, conversion of sinners including me and my families, end of abortion, peace around the world, and end of the wars around the world. I pray for every single pregnant woman to have a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery without any pain and complications. I pray for God to help me to succeed in my studies as a nursing student to graduate and to succeed in my future career as a nurse, to become a good nurse full of wisdom, knowledge, strength, courage, commitment love and compassion to support others that are being placed in my care. I wish to get married and have my own family. I pray for God to bless me with a good husband and give me the grace to have children own my own in the future, and give me the grace and blessing to conceive twins, or triplets and quadruplets and to help me to raise my children under his guidance, protecting, caring, peace, love and wisdom. I pray for all women who are struggling to conceive naturally please Lord Jesus give them the grace to conceive and experience motherhood as their heart desires. I pray for God’s healing and forgiveness for all those who need my prayers. Lord Jesus Christ I trust in you. l claim all these in you holy name and the power of your precious blood amen.
October 30, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Rita Snono
Lord we ask that you carry George and Nadia through this difficult and trying time. We lift George to you. Please work your miracle on him and heal him from this cancer. Prolong his life for us and his family. Please don’t let him suffer with the side affects of the chemo. Lord hear our prayers. We pray in Jesus name .. Amen
October 30, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Allysa Allyana Dabandan Pol
Dear Lord Jesus Christ please answer my prayers for curing my depression and loneliness I have been alone without loving romantic companionship for such a long time it breaks my heart to think about not being good enough for someone. I have been victimized from sexual assault and harassment and have been drug induced in my sleep. Our homes have been robbed and invaded by a group of criminals and I have been paranoid over my past criminal charges that have been affecting my life I pray for a miracle that it’s not true and you have never left my side and loving embrace of deserving someone who’s just as faithful, strong, courageous, and compassionate. Please bring them into my life soon I have been so depressed being alone and without a partner. I must pray over my grandparents to get back together, my mother and father get pay raise and promotion at work, my brother and I be liberated from our criminal history and get good grades. I must pray for my future and safety to go back to Harvard University fall 2024 for achieve perfect grades and participation in the athletic department I must pray for my sobriety and privacy not to be invaded. I pray my abusers and rapist to to never contact me again and hope they realize the justice will be served.
October 29, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
I pray that Holy Spirit shows Charlie what his life will become when he gives it back to Jesus. That he will be consumed by the fire of God. Also that Robert, Dan and Denise will give their lives to Jesus.
October 28, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Florence Jessica Johnstone
Salvation and Health, Wisdom and Provision for my daughter, Claudia, Granddaughter Bella Rose and my son, Patrick Kirk. Guide each one of them, so they may live for you, Jesus.
Also supernatural health, provision, wisdom and guidance for myself.
May God's Will be done on earth and His prophesies fulfilled.
Also protection and provision for all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
May all my loved ones give their lives to Christ Jesus, the Resurrected King and Saviour, before they take their last breath on earth, so they can spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
Prayers for peace in Jerusalem. Amen.
October 28, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Taramattiedyal Bodo
Hi please pray for my dad his name is Dayal Persaud dob 3rd April 1962, he is in the emergency right now fighting for his life please please pray for him
October 28, 2023 Prayed for 6 times. I prayed for this
Holy Father I thank you for the life you give me. I thank you for my family. I come to you today lord and ask that you cast a blessing of healing on my wife. I ask lord that you heal the cancer that invades her body, that you bring comfort and complete health back to her body. I thank you father for this blessing. Amen!
October 27, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Please let my procedure go well next Wednesday and keep my family and extended safe.
October 25, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Jerry LaBate
I want healing in my body so I can walk again. God knows how my body is supposed to work keeps healing .He is fighting my battles for they are not mine. God provides opening 🙏 right doors and closing wrong ones as He provides for my financial blessings. I am in Jesus Christ and He is in me. . The Holy Spirit is in me as I am baptized on the spirit and into the spirit speaking in other tongues.
October 25, 2023 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
For God to continue touching our Son Frederick. For our Son James continuous elevation divine favor in his career. For immigration divine favor for my brother Emmanuel. For unity amongst our children. For blessings upon our ministry. For knowledge wisdom and understanding with my career as a naturopathic/ medical doctor and for great health longevity and strength to continually doing the works of the Lord. AMEN
October 24, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Please remove all chills from my body and all diseases. I also pray for my son Ryan to get to see his son Lennon,very soon and reunite their relationship
October 24, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Please give my loved one(Jamie) healing.his kidney is in the first stage of failure.please heal his body, mind, soul and spirit. Keep me strong for him.Pour your blessings over him.Give him a complete recovery of his liver and diabetes also.Thank you and God Bless you
October 24, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
my names jamie, can jesus bring me a girlfriend now in my life, she will look after me, she will be a christian
October 23, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Dear Father In Heaven, I pray that my Beloved One Nico, will find Your Son Jesus Christ, that He will know what you stand for, Which is Love. I pray that He will get to know you more intimately, that He will know the Power of Your Word. I Pray he will know the Good News about you Son Jesus and The Kingdom of God. Lord jesus give Nico a new Heart, give him happiness, give him wisdom, give him Faith, Give him Hope, Give him understanding all from the Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus, create in him to be a good and Faithful Servant, obedient to God.
October 23, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Octave Masikini Nkiere
Heavenly Father delivers Octave Masikini Nkiere from the spirit of debt and from all the debts of his life. Lord God Almighty may success, wealth, health and power attach to the life of Octave Masikini Nkiere until the last day of his life on this earth and give a long life to Octave Masikini Nkiere. Almighty God gives physical and spiritual death to all the sorcerers in the family of Pierette ampenzo Mawa and to all the sorcerers who fight the life of Octave Masikini Nkiere. Lord destroys all the powers of darkness that resist Octave Masikini Nkiere. Heavenly Father ends poverty and drives out the spirit of lack of money in the life of Octave Masikini Nkiere, gives $60,000 to Octave Masikini. Seigneur protège les finances de Octave Masikini Nkiere
October 22, 2023 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
Shannon L.
For the repose of the souls of my family. David Potter, Eileen, Longauer , Jack Sullivan, Maureen Sullivan, and my baby and all family and friends, and for all the poor souls in purgatory. I pray for assistance with my father and myself and my brother. Please let us find God’s will, and abide by that. I pray for success for all of us.
October 22, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
I ask you to please protect Efe this season from evil eye, from injury and negativity. May no weapon formed against him prosper!

Please heavenly Father please bless Efe with double digit sacks this season so he may receive an abundant double digit million multi year contract in the off season and fulfil one of his career goals. Allow him to be un-blockable and a force on the field and continue to spread his testimony. Clear his path Lord remove all blockages and be with him in every game and every step this season. Lord make him never be inactive again and silence the nay sayers so he may continue to provide for our families and inspire the next generation.

Lord please deliver us a miracle we need you now as we always have pease fill us with hope and faith as we wait for our blessings not worry and despair. Fill Efes heart with hope and your love, let him know your word, your presence. Cover and protect him Heavenly Father open every door and be with him always.

October 22, 2023 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
Dr. Evelyn Brooks
Prayer for my daughter and son to return and ultimately serve and embrace God's love. For Him to increase me in the anointing of prophecy and dreams, the revelation and interpretation. Continued provision, Grace, and favor with all the debt and resources for everything God wants me to do for the Kingdom and bless me with my heart desires. A godly husband and chosen by God alone as I submit my heart and Wu to God for the better of my life here on earth. My newfound friend Patricia Joy for healing and we have a long and lasting godly relationship. My friends Letitia, and Karen, and my private practice to prosper and God's glory ride upon it as well as my job at Cayuga Center. And my mom, sister, and brothers to be delivered and sold out for Jesus Christ. for Jesus Christ.
October 20, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Lord, Thank you for all that you have done for me and my family. I pray that you lift Israel out of this conflict and bring peace to the land and the people who love you deeply. I pray that you continue to bless the land of Israel. I pray that you also continue to bless my family and to help my wife with her medical issues and to bring my son to Christ. Thank you for your blessings and peace be to all. I ask this in the name of Jesus Peace be with Israel.
October 19, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Lucky kopanye
I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ and want to come in agreement with you according to Matthew 18:19. by faith Hebrew 11:1 since we are seated in heavenly realms Ephesians 2:6 seated with Christ right Now.

I want to pray for my mother Zandile Kopanye
In South Africa, a prayer to our Heavenly Father to supernaturally remove the tumor above her left hip and completely remove the inflammation, pain and any traces of cancer in her body.

Luke 18:27 what’s impossible with men is possible with G-d

I pray according to Mark 11:24
May G-d supernaturally give her strength and power to fight the pain it’s causing her in the name of Jesus Christ.

May she fully recover and Glorify G-d for the miracle in Jesus Christ name.

I bind satan and his demons from attacking her on earth and in heaven according to Matthew 16:19

I now declare her healed and restored according to Jeremiah 30:17
And I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus Christ.
October 18, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Rosemary Galardi
Dear Lord, you know my heart, You know my desires. But no matter what I choose I desire Your will for my life. Right now You know I’m facing Goober aging and when it’s time for him to cross over, I need You Lord to be with me to help me, thank You sweet Jesus
I lift up the members of the salvation garden in Israel. Protect them for Your will will be done.
I know my Bible, I know that Israel is your sacred Ground. In Jesus name, amen
October 18, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
I want to ask for forgiveness from my friend whom I love and care about deeply. I realize I hurt him and myself and it was wrong. I pray to God that we can sit down and talk in person and come to an understanding and healing. He has a serious mental illness and I am scared that he will be beaten up or killed by the police. And they won’t care. Or hospital staff will mistreat him because they don’t understand mental illness and they see them as less than human. I pray for God’s protection in these situations and I pray that my friend will find the strength to pursue any path of justice and not be frightened of what others think should these situations happen. Granted if God can cure schizophrenia and bipolar disorders that would be fabulous or have better medicine with fewer side effects, that can help with more symptoms of serious mental illness would be great!

I realize I probably have some insecurities and esteem issues and maybe I am overly reliant on my friend. I pray that I can confront them head on. I also really need a full time job near me.

And finally, God bless all of the innocent children in Gaza and Israel. I pray that when they grow up, they choose peace and understanding over hatred and violence and discrimination.

October 18, 2023 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Dear papa God and dear lord jesus
I'm sorry what happening in Ur holy nation and people I pray for the peace over Israel i beleave that once Israel is at peace the rest of the world will have peace and I pray for the people and the blood of jesus to b upon them in jesus name
I'm asking that u release Ur plan for me and Spiro to have own home I'm asking in jesus name that I will have my own home debt free I believe If it is Ur will i win this house in u and from u in jesus name
I rebuke any more schemes, works , from the enemy over my children with addiction, crimal activities I'm asking in jesus name that there will b no more police encounters , chargers , courts or jail the enemy is attacking my children who r just children teenagers I ask that every investigation Been withdrawn and that my children and grandchildren will encounter the holy spirit to teach , guild , help and counsell them I'm positioning prayer for there salvation for my children to have a heart that has a relationship and lots of love for our father God and jesus
I'm declaring gods word scriptures over them ish54.17
Jem 29.11
Psm 23.6
PM's 90.17
Jem 31.16/17
Ish 49.25
Matt 11.9/10
Those r just some of gods promises I'm declaring and believing in God for I'm believing by the end of this year 30th December I will receive and c victory in my children, grandchildren and there friends
In what I've prayed , education , friendship, to turn around and b deliver safety back home as jer 31 declaring that each night zach will b home in his bed safely and from this day on only the good future will prevail anything that's not in the light or is in darkness will not prosper against him
U have a good plan a good future one that will prosper this will b our year of victory and Ur glory father glory for the victory u have promised we will receive forgiveness my children of there wrong choice have mercy and favour upon them in jesus name
Thanku father God and dear lord jesus 4 everything
October 18, 2023 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Violet Mariya Boby
I place myself my family and all families and all people who are struggling all over the world infront of Holy family. I am thankful for all your blessings you have given to us and whole world. 🙏 Please help me and my husband Boby Pakkuparampil my son Colin Anthony Jacob Boby and my daughter Irene Tressa Boby to live Holy and receive you without any sins on your second coming 🙏 As per Catherine Labour if we honour MOTHER MARY AS THE QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE THEN THERE WILL BE PEACE. Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST please remove all obstacles to HONOUR MOTHER MARY AS THE QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE AND HAVE MERCY ON US AND GRAND US PEACE 🙏 PLEASE help us to FORGIVE others and fill my heart with full of your love. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. 🙏 I surrender myself to you LORD JESUS CHRIST please take care of everything 🙏 Please protect me and my husband Boby Pakkuparampil, daughter Irene Tressa Boby, my son Colin Anthony Jacob Boby from all evil spirits even from satanic symbols always dear LORD JESUS CHRIST .Please protect us from unwanted relationships in our family 🙏 Please help me and my family to live according to LORD JESUS CHRIST'S Holy will. I place my petition to Sacred Heart of Jesus through immaculate Heart of Mary along with prayers of Mother Mary St Joseph St Michael St Anthony St George St Bernadette St Dominic St Monica St John Paul 2nd St Maria Goretti St Theresa St Thomas St Sébastian St Patrick St Gerard St John Maria Vianney St John the Baptist St Peter and St Maria Goretti St Faustina our Guardian Angels St Padre Pio St Ann St Joachim St Margaret St Catherine Labour, all angels and saints. Please hear my prayers and grand my request dear LORD JESUS CHRIST 🙏
October 17, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Maddalena Sparapano
Dear lord,

Please help to find full time employment in HR you know very well what I’m going through it has been since 2018 that I don’t have steady employment. Please lord answer my prayers
October 17, 2023 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
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