Answered Prayers

"He answered their prayers because they trusted in Him."
1 Chronicles 5:20
We hand-deliver prayers as part of our mission, but we love to hear from the
community about the lives touched by ours prayer in the Holy Land.
Since the day I sent my prayer request, everything changed. I found this inner strength in me as if it was always there and I don't understand where it comes from I know it's because of the prayers that was done for me. I feel blessed and I can't wait to experience the rest of this journey and see what is going to happen from there.Thank you for sending me an image of my prayer it gives me joy and peace in my heart.

With blessings and regards
Stephanie a Kadri
Thank you so much. As I've been praying here for this petition, I started feeling how God is lifting the anxiety from my life. I thank you for taking this prayer there, it means a lot to me. I will request another prayer for those that are going through any illness, trouble or any situation.

With blessings and regards
With deepest gratitude I want to let you know that your prayer made a huge difference in my daughter's life.New ways of education have opened up to her effortlessly, along with funding, benevolent people are along her way and she is thriving.She will be moving into her own little apartment soon, along with sufficient funding for her further studies.Thank you so much. It is a miracle of healing and success.

With blessings and regards
I am claimingThat they will answer my prayer from GodThe shut down of 3048 Trowbridge AveCleveland Ohio 44109It is essential and very much needed.Amin'Monica MalikAs of now.Thankyou

With blessings and regards
Monica Malik
I praise God that my prayer for my son that his hospital procedure go well - it did go well and no abnormalities were found. He still needs healing, but I know God was with him through this trying time. Thank you for taking my prayer to the Holy Land. Blessings to all those at The Salvation Garden and glory to God! Amen.

With blessings and regards
L Moss
I can already feel the Lord at work after only just submitting my prayer last night. Part of my prayer was relief from physical pain and I woke up headache free. I am so thankful. I know the Lord continues to work on my prayer and it means so much and gives me such hope. Praise be.

With blessings and regards
Praise the Lord Now I thank, God my saviour because he answered my prayer .Since the day I sent request, I was like so tensed cuz my results are going to publish next week. I cried and pray to God for a good result and guess what he had answered my prayer .Tku salvation garden sending my prayer reques and prayed for me . Once again thank u God for a success .It was a miracle. God bless you 🙏❤

With blessings and regards
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