Answered Prayers

"He answered their prayers because they trusted in Him."
1 Chronicles 5:20
We hand-deliver prayers as part of our mission, but we love to hear from the
community about the lives touched by ours prayer in the Holy Land.
Thank you father my visa is approved.

With blessings and regards
Kelly Correia
I requested for a prayer for my job. It has been seven years and four months that I started looking for a job. No one was willing to offer me an opportunity even though I had the qualifications but this company Nirmaan a non-profit organization gave me a chance as a Senior Executive in Communication. I received this news a day after I received the mail from Salvation garden. All praise and thanks to God Almighty, who answered my prayers.

With blessings and regards
Thank you Lord, thank you, thank you! My husband, is fully recovered from long covid and post covid complications. My heart is full of joy and gratitude! Amen

With blessings and regards
I requested prayer for my sister in law who was hospitalized for heart problems. She received a pacemaker in the hospital and was discharged home. She is recovered and doing well. To God be the glory for His goodness,mercy,healing and love. Thank God for answered prayer The Lord hears the prayers if the righteous and delivers them.

With blessings and regards
Thank God for continuing to help me with this life situation. Especially with all your love and support ❤ Especially Now.

With blessings and regards
God's Child
Thank you for your prayer I am overjoyed my parents have fully recovered from Covid Thank you Son of David for your mercy and healing I trust in you Jesus !

With blessings and regards
O my lord Thank you so much for all the blessings. Even just submitting the request i feel so relieved . My Arjun responded to my messages yesterday. I know God is with me and do the rest. Please be with me always and forever

With blessings and regards
With deepest gratitude I want to let you know that your prayer made a huge difference in my family's life. especially myself . I want to find a stable job close to home without hatred people. Prayer For Prosperity, Financial Blessing, and Abundance of Wealth. Thank you so much for you kind help and support. With blessing and respectfully. Bach-Nga

With blessings and regards
Bach-Nga Vo
I would like to seize this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to you and to all people who have prayed and are still praying for us. May God bless you all. Yesterday I took my wife for a consultation and there is an improvement. I believe that God is helping us. Please pray that God forgive us and bless my wife with good health and a child. Thanking you once again for your kind help and support during this difficult time.

With blessings and regards
Nothing feels more safe and comfortable letting you handle one's prayers and conversations with God. God bless all of you at Salvation Garden, such loving pastors. You are priceless, praised and with the highest status of all right beside Jesus! We feel it. No way around it! I hope you understand my deepest respect for Salvation Garden. I am who I am. Forgive me for any ungodly expressions!

With blessings and regards
"I love sending my prayers to The Salvation Garden. It feels like direct communication with Jesus and God. I love it, no judgment. You can speak straight from the heart. Thank you!"

With blessings and regards
Thank you so so very much for sending that through.Let me tell you these past few weeks have been unexplainable. I can say without a single doubt that the great lord has answered my prayers that I have sent through to you. This is no coincidence whatsoever. I have been looking for god everywhere and for many many years without any success. But after sending this prayer request through the great lord has shown me that he has been inside me all along! He has finally revealed himself to me. It feels like a miracle. I feel born again and I mean it!!Honestly, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering this service. I will be recommending this to everyone who is need of spiritual guidance.I cannot thank you and the team enough. God bless you all and may we someday meet together in our true home.

With blessings and regards
Stephanie a Kadri
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for Answered Prayers
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