Powerful Morning Prayer for Family and Friends

Powerful Morning Prayer for Family and Friends

Prayer has the same importance for the soul as food has for the body. Thus, prayers have assumed a crucial role in the lives of humans. We have covered some of the best morning prayer messages in this article for you, your friends, and family members. Let us now cover them one by one.

1. Prayer for a New Day

Dear God,

Today is a new day and an opportunity for a new beginning. Now that yesterday is over, all our failures, mistakes, or regrets are gone too. It is a perfect day to give thanks and be happy. Lord, I thank you today for the chance to live, love, and care for my family and friends. May I be the person you wish me to be! Amen.

2. Morning Prayer for Blessings

Dear Lord,

As I start each day, there is a new chance to recognize your power above everything else. May our hearts be enlightened so that we not only see you but also observe how you influence our lives! Offer us wisdom to make the best decisions in every situation. May we always have the desire to seek you and love you more than everything else on this planet! Let your power and spirit breathe in us new and fresh.

Thank you for being mightier than anything else I may face during the day. You are our lasting and true strength irrespective of what we could be up against. Let us pray today and every day that your peace may show my dear ones the right path. We request your grace and blessings. My family and friends need you and love you, dear God. Amen.

3. Prayer for Healing

O King of Kings,

I pray that you and I become inseparable from today. Please guide us to select only your way and let each step take us closer to you. You are the only one who can help and teach me and my loved one to keep our souls undivided and pure always. Save us from our distracting and careless actions, words, and thoughts. You can only protect us from getting distracted by our desires and wants. Please help us adjust to whatever comes our way as a chance instead of treating it as a personal inconvenience.

Last, but not the least, may we never lose our faith and trust in you. You know the right way for us though we may mess up things and take the wrong path. We realize and appreciate that your love is unconditional and not selfish. You do not care for us based on how we perform. I know your love for me and my dear ones will never diminish come what may be.

I find that amazing. However, the most surprising thing is that you being the savior of this universe would want to spend some time with me every morning. God, help me to remember that it is a priceless gift to be with you every morning. Amen.

4. Powerful Morning Prayer

Dear God,

As a new day begins, please fill us with your divine spirit. No matter where we go, let there be joy, love, faithfulness, and goodness within us and all around. I pray to you to make us more like you and stay close to you.

May we continue to worship you always and in everything we do. Let us desire all these emotions much more than the wickedness and sin that allures us from time to time. We are thankful for your presence by my side. I pray in the name of your only son Christ. Amen.

About The Salvation Garden

If you are in pursuit of a prayer community to deliver your good morning prayer to Jerusalem, you have come to the right place. The Salvation Garden will be more than happy to help you send your prayer for the morning to a church in Jerusalem. We aim to assist thousands of followers access the holy sites in Jerusalem without traveling.

We will take your morning prayer Catholic to Israel after you fill out your prayer request online. Also, you can choose your preferred church from our website. We will confirm once we deliver your morning prayer to Jerusalem. While we do not charge any fee for this service, any donation is welcome to meet our travel expenses.


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The Holy Churches of Jerusalem


Prayer Request Form

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Type your personal prayer in the prayer request form and it will appear here. We will then print and hand-deliver it to your selected churches in Jerusalem.
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We will visit the selected churches to deliver your printed prayer personally
and send you confirmation with a digital photo of your prayer.

To complete the prayer request, please click Continue.
We are blessed to offer you the service of prayer in the Holy Land.
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