Know Someone Sick? Maybe A Prayer Can Help​

If you have a family member or a dear friend who has a chronic ailment or suffering silently and showing signs of mental illness or trauma, you start wondering how to reach out to the person. The person might have access to the best medical remedies available yet show no remarkable signs of improvement. In such trying circumstances, turning to the Supreme Being strengthens our heart and gives us the courage to soldier on and deal with our situation. Although you pray for your loved one with faith and sincerity, sometimes you wish to go the extra mile and receive His divine touch for spiritual, emotional or physical healing. An online prayer request to the Holy Land can go a long way to soothe frayed nerves and relieve pain and suffering. Read on to know more about the holy sites where you can send a prayer request.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

This church, also known as the Church of the Anastasis or the Church of the Resurrection, is located within the Old City of Jerusalem. The holy site is significant as it is believed to be the site where Christ was crucified; it also houses Christ’s empty tomb. In 325 AD, Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, built the church; Constantine’s mother Helena discovered the “True Cross”. It is widely believed that the Stone of Anointing marks the spot where Joseph of Arimathea prepared Christ’s body for burial. The main altar contains the Rock of Calvary; it is the most visited spot in the church. Traditionally, the Calvary is believed to be the site of Christ’s crucifixion. If you are unable to travel to the holy site, you can send an online prayer request to receive the healing touch of the Almighty.

Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb

The Golgotha or “the place of the skull” is believed to be the site of Christ’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Further excavations have revealed religious markings (signs of Christian Burials) dating back to the days of Christ. An anchor-cross on the outside wall and a cross carved into the rock face above the tomb were discovered. Two painted crosses were found inside the tomb with Byzantine markings dating back to the 5th or 6th centuries; the crosses were accompanied by Greek letters which referred to Christ as the Alpha and Omega. You can send a prayer request and let His holy touch deliver you from your physical and mental pain.


Church of All Nations

Church of All Nations

There are olive trees dating back hundreds of years at this holy site; popular belief suggests that these trees stood witness when Christ prayed in mortal pain on the eve of his Passion. Hence the Church of All Nations is also known as the Basilica of the Agony. The tympanum is decorated with a modern mosaic; it represents the bond between Christ and Mankind. The lunette in the apse features a mosaic depicting Christ in agony being comforted by an Angel. The side apses have mosaic representations of incidents of Christ’s Passion like the Arrest of Jesus and the Kiss of Judas. You can send an online prayer request to seek divine blessings in your hour of pain.


Abbey of the Dormition

This German Byzantine monastic church is situated on top of Mount Zion. It is said to be the site of the Virgin Mary’s “dormition” or“falling asleep” and ascension to heaven. The dome, floor, and walls are decorated with mosaics depicting the Prophets and Apostles. Above the main altar, the apse features a golden Byzantine-style mosaic portraying the Madonna and Child from 1939. The crypt contains an ivory sculpture of the resting Virgin Mary. You can send a prayer request to this holy site to gain relief from your pain and anguish.

St. Peter’s Church

St. Peter’s Church

This church faces the West, as opposed to most other churches, which face East. The site where the Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter is situated has been revered as a Christian center for more than a thousand years. A church and an inn for pilgrims were constructed here in the 16th century, probably on the ruins of another church. The construction of the present church was finished in 1894. There is a wooden pulpit inside the church carved in the form of a fruiting tree. The arms of Christ and Francis are crossed over the Tau Cross. Below the Franciscan Cross is the cross of the Holy Land, a Greek cross in red with a white background and four similar crosses, one in each quadrant; it is also known as the “Jerusalem Cross”. In Aramaic, Peter’s name is referred to as Cepha, the word for “rock”; legend goes that Christ had told St. Peter at Banias that he is the “rock” upon which his church would be built. When this church was built, the cross was fastened upon a rock brought from Banias. You can send a prayer to receive the much-needed balm for your aching mind and body.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.


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The Holy Churches of Jerusalem


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Type your personal prayer in the prayer request form and it will appear here. We will then print and hand-deliver it to your selected churches in Jerusalem.
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