Subscription Plan Rules for Prayer Requests:

Cancellation Process:

Should you wish to cancel your subscription, kindly notify us via email at We commit to processing your cancellation within a maximum of 2 working days. Please note that subscription cancellations are applicable only for orders placed under the “Silver,” “Gold,” or “Platinum” plans and do not cover regular orders.

Refund Policy:

Refunds for canceled subscriptions after the delivery confirmation email with photos cannot be facilitated. However, rest assured that you won’t incur any charges from the following month. We appreciate your understanding, as our time and resources are invested in the delivery process by this stage.

Refund for New Customers:

If you are a new customer unfamiliar with our service and have subscribed, we offer a refund for your subscription since the first month. For the purpose of subscription refunds, a new customer is defined as an individual who has not made orders through since 2018, and we do not have completed orders in our CRM system. The new customer status is identified by email.

Prayer Request Changes:

Feel free to modify your prayer request each month by contacting us at Additionally, you will receive reminders as the new delivery date approaches.

Special Destination Changes:

The Special destination changes monthly, often aligning with significant Christian holidays. While it is typically pre-determined, if you wish to personally select a specific destination, you are allowed one change per year. Email us at to request available options, and we will provide you with a list for your selection. Thank you for entrusting us with your prayers. If you have any further inquiries or requests, our team at The Salvation Garden is here to assist you.


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