Urgent Prayer Request

Urgent Prayer Request

Prayer is a means to be attentive to God and establishes a two-way spiritual relationship with Him. We not only talk to God while praying but also listen to his advice. You can compare it to a conversation a child has with their dad. For instance, is it commonplace for a child to request their dad for the things they wish or ask for guidance or advice?

Remember, we do not pray on our own but along with Christians residing all over the world. Also, it helps us be in touch with our Lord and others. When we offer up prayer requests together, it becomes a more powerful tool for us, Christians living in different parts of the world unite in the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Christ. We offer all types of situations to God and He uses these prayers to bless the world with justice and love. It becomes a ministry that as those fervent prayers offered becomes a blessing to someone out there.

How Do We Begin?

Prayer does not have to be a hidden secret. He is always there to protect and guide us and prepared to listen. God hears prayers that are offered by His children.

There are several ways to pray:

  • Do an activity that is prayerful such as visiting a church or lighting a candle.
  • Morning prayer to prepare yourself for the day you will encounter.
  • Share our feelings with God.
  • Be quiet with our Lord irrespective of whether you are with other people or on your own.
  • Say Amen when someone else is praying.
  • Use words – sing, speak, or think them.
  • Join your Church Online Prayer

Why Do We Pray?

Prayer is an expression of gratitude, or a solemn request addressed to God. It is a way to Worship. People pray as they wish to communicate with God to ask for something they desire or to offer thanks. Christians expect to get answers to their prayers based on their requirements or the crucial circumstances they face.

Mostly, people expect to receive the answers to their prayers instantly. That is because they feel they need those things at that very moment. At times, a believer has prayers to be offered immediately to our Lord. Immediate Prayer that urgently needs an answer.

The reason for this is they require an urgent response. It may be the top-most priority for them at that time. However, they should remember that it is not how prayer works.

God Hears Every Prayer

Our Lord listens to the prayers of every believer, and all are equally important to Him. However, this does not mean He will come up with an immediate response.

His timetable is not the same as ours. Some people may feel that He is taking too much time to answer their prayers. The reality, however, is our Lord responds beautifully to all requests but in His proper time. Just like when He gave Jesus as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, it was the right time to be saved from the darkness.

God always ensures that the heart of His believers is prepared to receive the responses that He prepares. Remember, when our Lord comes up with answers to the prayers of His believers, it can bring blessing to them and other people around them.

Types of Prayer Requests

There are people who send their prayer requests through us and we’ve seen how it has made an impact in their lives. These are some of the prayer requests that they submit.

  1. Healing
  2. Provision
  3. Guidance
  4. Gratitude
  5. Urgent Prayer Request

These are some of them but prayers are not limited to just these but for you to find out more about the urgent prayer request or the immediate request, here are some of the things you might want to know about.

What is an Urgent Prayer Request?

Urgent Prayer Request is a prayer a believer creates when they feel something is crucial and should be prayed for immediately. It may be a prayer that is an emergency or a priority. It is a need to urgently get an answered prayer request.

Very often, urgent prayer requests are a prayer for others or a personal prayer for someone. Such a prayer request has no limit on what or for whom to pray. It just signifies that every person has different requirements at different times.

The Bible promises that faithful and fervent prayer works. We have seen that happening countless times to us, and the people around us. Our Lord is faithful and listens and responds to fervent prayers offered when we have a need.

Is your situation an impossible one? Do you require an absolute miracle? Even if you have an urgent requirement in life, we have complete faith in supernatural miracles. Our Lord can achieve the impossible if we trust Him completely. God’s timetable is different from how we perceive it.

How to pray an urgent prayer?

There is no right or wrong way in how to pray this urgent prayer. But here are some of the ways you can use as a guide to help you:

  1. Set your Heart right
  2. Know what you need to pray for
  3. Have faith knowing God can work in your situation

How do you ask for a prayer request?

The Salvation Garden offers you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason – family problems, financial issues, personal struggles, or anything you desire or need. Send your Urgent Prayer Requests here.

The Ministry of The Salvation Garden

The Lord has blessed us at The Salvation Garden with an opportunity to approach and assist all such people who need to offer their prayers to the Almighty. It is a ministry that God has given us to be able to be a blessing to everyone in the world as we offer prayer requests in the Holy Churches. We believe that our Lord listens to us. God hears prayers. When we connect to Him in full faith and boldly, our prayers work. Every time you send your urgent prayer requests, we prioritize them by taking them to the Holy Churches.

We, at The Salvation Garden, are your most dependable organization to carry your prayers to Holy Churches. Your prayers are valuable for us as they not only include your requirements but also the most important goals and desires in your life. When you fill-up the prayer forms, we inspire you to offer your prayer first. It will help you to be fully convinced in His power while writing your urgent prayer requests.

Once you have filled out your urgent prayer requests online, the next step is to choose the Church where you want us to take your prayers. Alternatively, we will also bring your prayer request to all five Holy Churches if you want us to do so.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to all these Churches and then offer them to our Lord. While you send these prayer requests, do not forget to pray daily. Mark 11:24 mentions, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

We believe that you will get the right response to all your urgent prayer requests. You should have complete faith that God will send you the right answers while sending these prayer requests. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

Many people have told us that they felt a difference in their life after sending their urgent prayer requests through us at The Salvation Garden. We understand that it may not always be easy for you to share your intimate and personal prayers. However, know that we are a safe space and join you in your prayers.

We are ecstatic every time we get the good news from all those people who sent their urgent prayer requests through us. These people tell us that our Lord has answered their prayers. We value your testimonies as we bring your sincere prayers to the Holy Churches.

Prayer has incredible power as it transforms everything. Every time we bring our prayers to the Holy Land, we learn how the Almighty is changing your life through the prayer requests. We realize that God has us here for a beautiful purpose when we receive your testimonies. And this specific purpose is to bring all your prayer requests to the Holy Churches of Jerusalem.

Thus, we, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason – family problems, financial issues, personal struggles, or anything you desire or need. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now


Send Your Prayer Request to
The Holy Churches of Jerusalem


Prayer Request Form

Your Prayer*
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Prayer Library
Not sure what to write? Click here to visit our Prayer Library and choose a prayer to send
Your Name*
Your Email (to receive confirmation)*
Type your personal prayer in the prayer request form and it will appear here. We will then print and hand-deliver it to your selected churches in Jerusalem.
Dedicated with love
Your Name

Where do you want your prayer to be delivered?

Select your Holy Places

Click the "Select All" button below or select specific churches.

We will visit the selected churches to deliver your printed prayer personally
and send you confirmation with a digital photo of your prayer.

To complete the prayer request, please click Continue.
We are blessed to offer you the service of prayer in the Holy Land.
Your donations are kindly accepted.
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