Prayer Wall

God Answers When We Pray

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another,
that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has
great power as it is working."

James 5:16, ESV

Praying for the needs of others is a noble deed. Do remember to click on the I prayed for this button. The requestors would love to know how many times their prayers have been echoed.

If you wish to share your prayer on this wall, please submit your online prayer request here. Our dedicated team at The Salvation Garden is at your service. We collect your prayers and assist you in sending them to God from The Holy Land.


June 13, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
I pray that my son Joseph finds his life partner who is also close to the church and who loves him unconditionally. Also I pray that Alec remains with Angelique if she is the right girl for him because he is still young and he needs to be with someone who
Wants and loves him.
I pray that both my children find love but most of all that when they find love in the process they come to you who is love.
I also pray that my husband gets to be closer to you and I pray that I fall in love with my husband because I love him but not as a partner more like a brother.
June 13, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Pray for Steven our son to open his heart and mind to come home to us with his family to help him to forgive and have open Chanel’s of communivation and love heal his pain clear his mind from and evil pray for Belinda also our friends daughter for there pride is holding them both back from all
June 13, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Please Saint Anthony pray that my family will come back to their faith and also that i will get help for my arthritis and especially my knee also for peace in the world and that leaders will stop wars and killing innocent people Amen Also pray for the suffering souls in purgatory Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
June 13, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Charlo Crossley Fortier
My son Steven Jr, has porn addiction and mental health issues! Praying his deliverance and mental stability and soul salvation! Cover him with the blood of Jesus. Favor at his place of residence! Blessings over him and his fiance Sarah and her little boy Denzel! God deliver him from all evil of Satan. Angels of the Lord go before him!!🙏🏽💜
June 13, 2024 Prayed for 5 times. I prayed for this
God give me strength, let me overcome my addictions, give me guidance for my future. Do not let the power of satan sit over me
June 13, 2024 Prayed for 6 times. I prayed for this
Thank you Lord for all your blessings upon me and my family. Please forgive me of my wrong doing and thank you for your continued blessings. Please watch over me and my family. I ask that you bring them closer to you and that you will show them the way of the truth and life. Your love has shown me how you care and I am grateful for your love. Thank you for hearing my prayers as I work on my shortcomings. In Jesus name
June 12, 2024 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Paul Leon
My Heavenly Father I pray deeply for the healing for our family through these most challenging times in our household. My son and I are battling major depression. I pray for the Love of Jesus through the intercession of the Holy Spirt, Mary Mother of God and the Arch Angel Saint Raphael to embrace our lives and heal us from these afflictions of depression, alcohol, shame and guilt in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless Paul, Suzanne, Olivia and Christian Leon.
June 11, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask you for strength, clarity of mind, and the ability to handle adversity at work & at home.
Bless me with the knowledge and the ability to succeed in my career.
I ask you for the help and guidance I will need as I walk this path at my work.
Bless me so I can accomplish amazing things at my work.
Bless me to exceed all expectations and to surpass my limitations.
Bless me to garner the favor of my managers, supervisors, and bosses.
Bless me with the ability to lead and reach people in a way I've never been able to do.
I ask you for strength and poise.
Bless me to handle criticism and insults without an emotional reaction.
Bless me to control my feelings and anxiety.
Bless me to move ahead and do what must be done, no matter what it takes.
I thank you for all my blessings.
I thank you for my family and all my friends.
I thank you for the privilege to provide financially and support emotionally my disabled friend and her family whose affliction I have prayed for to you
Thank you for all the amazing things you've done in my life.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for all that you have done.
I thank you for my life, my wealth in you, my health, and job.
Thank you for everything in your son Jesus name AMEN
June 11, 2024 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Morning Prayer:
"O most Holy Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love You. Forgive my sins with your mercy.
I offer You my heart. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Your will. Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my afflictions, and give me health of my body, assistance in my needs and Your blessing on all that I do. Amen."
June 11, 2024 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
Dearest God,
I ask that you continue to Heal … Chelsea, Amanda, Tori and Britt from their different Cancers. Lift each one up in Courage, Faith and Strength. Through all their days, please God walk by their sides.
Through YOUR Love and Mercy. Amen.
June 11, 2024 Prayed for 1 times. I prayed for this
Margaret Cleary
Please Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am begging you for a divine miracle for my husband. Please clear David’s path and remove all obstacles from David’s job search. Please send David a divine career opportunity that offers us the financial abundance to care for my mother. Amen
June 11, 2024 Prayed for 2 times. I prayed for this
Carl mckay
Please lord help Danielle and Carl McKay in marriage reconciliation. Please keep there family together and rid them of the evil schemes of the devil. Bring them closer to each other and help them see the wrongs in their lives. I pray that you help heal these two individuals and bring your word that you don’t want them to separate. Help bring them closer to your heart and bless these two and their family. Thank you lord for everything.
June 10, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
St Anthony please intercede for me to our Lord and Savior for my health, for a better understanding of my husband that he makes the best decisions for us and for peace in Ukraine and in Israel. That all the hostages are returned home safe and that Israel comes out victorious.
June 10, 2024 Prayed for 0 times. I prayed for this
Please pray for me for healing of bowel problems and stomach issues. Please also pray that I will be able to return to a job again.
June 09, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Maria Domazet Cranmer
Dear Saint Anthony, please intercede and heal my relationship with my son who is your namesake. Please look into his heart and heal his emotional wounds that prevent him from forming and keeping loving relationships with me, his mother and his sisters. Help him see that love is there for him to see and feel and that we long for him to be a part of our lives again. Heal what is wrong with me. Heal my cancer please so I can continue to seek your guidance and special divine intervention. Please let him know that we love him and his family is waiting for him with open arms. Help him heal the hate he feels towards others. Help him feel your loving guidance and that of the Holy Spirit and Our Blessed Mother. We ask you this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗
June 09, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Troy kleffner
Please help me financially both personally and with my business. Also help me to find employees at my business. Help me to get my business sold and beable to coach football this july august September October November please allow me to coach and when iam gone coaching please have my work not be stressful on my employees.
June 09, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Health and healing, good crops , ability to continue to hold jobs , peace and safety
June 09, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Dear Heavenly Father ,with all your graceful love for your children on earth, I ask for some pence for my sins to help my daughter with child,who is suffering with fever and illness to relive her body and give her strength to fight this virus, please god put your hand on her and take away her illness. Amen
June 09, 2024 Prayed for 5 times. I prayed for this
Prayer for Aunt Jeraldine Houston.. Physical and Spiritual healing from cancer after chemo treatment
June 08, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Natalie quinn
Heavenly Father for give Natalie Quinn and her 3 children for there sin knowing and unknowning. I pray that this house would be in good health and healing in 1914 Washington ave. I pray that they would stay protected in Christian church hands I pray that all Natalie Quinn bills would stay safe in church in holy land hand and all of there bill will be covered in the blood of Jesus I pray that I pray that they would not lack any food. I pray that Natalie Quinn I pray that Natalie Quinn and 3 children would be honor love respect caring protection. I pray Natalie Quinn and 3 children would be protected from the ocean spirit in my mother. I pray that and would stay around 1914 Washington ave house and the people that live in there. I pray that Seth is Owen would able to take care of his sister I pray that my neighbors hood would fight for Natalie Quinn and my 3 children and my pregnancy in this home and honor love respect them. I pray that this Natalie Quinn pray would be activated I pray that Selina would not rise up on Natalie Quinn and her pregnancy and my 3 children. I pray that all evil would stay away from from Natalie Quinn pregnancy and her 3 children I pray that all evil arrester would be arrested that come against Natalie Quinn and her pregnancy and 3 children would be arrested by Christian arrester. I pray that all block spiritual physical would be remove I pray that no weapon form against me Natalie Quinn and her 3 children would not prosper. I pray to prosper at work I pray that my ford focus and Hyundai Tucson would stay in Christian hands I pray that as me and my house hold as methodist church member would keep our Christian rights and honor protection love. I pray that Natalie Quinn would badget out her money right I pray that Natalie Quinn and her 3 children will keep there Holy Ghost spirit I pray that my I pray that my midwife would protected Natalie Quinn and pregnancy from evil arrested and my 3 children. I pray in Jesus name amen
June 08, 2024 Prayed for 28 times. I prayed for this
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask thee for strength, clarity of mind, and the ability to handle adversity. Bless me with the knowledge and the ability to succeed in my new career. I ask thee for the help and guidance I will need as I walk this new path. Bless me so I can accomplish amazing things at my work. Bless me to exceed all expectations and to surpass my limitations. Bless me to garner the favor of my managers, supervisors, and bosses. Bless me with the ability to lead and reach people in a way I've never been able to do. I ask thee for strength and poise. Bless me to handle criticism and insults without an emotional reaction. Bless me to control my feelings and anxiety. Bless me to move ahead and do what must be done, no matter what it takes. I thank thee for all my blessings. I thank thee for my family and all my friends. Thank you for all the amazing things you've done in my life. Thank you so much. Thank you for all that you have done. I thank thee for my life, wealth, health, and job. Thank you for everything.
June 07, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Please pray for my son, Timothy, 35, he is a drug user, alcoholic, he hasn't call or contact me, I worry about him too much, I need peace. I pray for him I don't know how many times a day. Thank you. Thank You Jesus. Amen
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 5 times. I prayed for this
Vicente Joe D'MELLO
Father, only You knows what me N my wife Gloria fernades N my family going through every day.Father we forgive N ask forgiveness for all our sins and failings. Father have mercy on me. Jesus son of David take control on my divorce case. Father deliver my wife Gloria fernades from evil spirit and black magic. Bring her back into my life. Father cast out all wickedspirit of lust, hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, pride, traps of the devil n the demons,sickness, pain, chronic, disease and, all evil from me N from my wife N from my family, N from my house. Father give us completely deliverance from all spell, curses,hexes, voodoo, negative energy, black magic, bondage, addictive materials, past present or to come know or unknown against me N my wife N my family ,N my house. Father said your holy spirit upon me N on my wife N on my family N on my house. FATHER bring peace into my family. Father i surrender Anthony rebello, isabel dmello, Valley dmello, caitan dmello to your feet. Father keep this people away from me N from my wife N from my family N from my house.father set us completely from this people. heavenly Father sprinkle your pure water upon all of us through your son Jesus christ,so that we all may get a new heart,newspirit N new mind .Father bless my brother tiago dmello with good life partner .Father You are our strong tower. Help us to be strong in You and in Your mighty power so that we can stand against the works of the enemy. I thank You for delivering us and rescuing us from the darkness and bringing us to Your light. These I pray in Your great and holy name, Amen. I LOVE YOU JESUS ❤️.
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
My son Tommy Barrett has went for a bone marrow transplant and he has been getting on great the last 9 months he was only getting slight flus but for the last 6 weeks he’s been getting weak and not eating he went for biopsy and that came back clear but now is oxygen and his blood pressure is low he’s very weak the doctors have said he started of great and now he’s going down hill he can’t even walk now to use the toilet because he’s not strong anof to walk or eat please pray that he makes a full recovery
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
Maria L Nieves
Pray for the souls of my faithful departed mother Amparo Claveria-Nieves ; and my faithful departed father Antonio R. Nieves; my faithful departed brothers and sisters :Carmencita C Nieves- Dowell;and Herminia C Nieves- Borong; my brother Benito C Nieves; Romeo C Nieves; for my niece Catherine N. Borong ; my aunt felicisima R. Nieves;Luz R Nieves ;Milagros R Nieves; my grandmother Salud Ronquillo -Nieves; my grandfather Victor R Nieves; Gaudencio Claveria;my brother in law Howard Glen Dowell ;Sr; my grandmother Feliza Ortega;; uncle and aunties Santos Batac;teodoro Batac; Alejandra Batac( Ciriaca Batac;;Frlicisima Batac;Crisanta Batac; And for Alan Dowell ; Reynaldo Nepomuceno; Rene Salveda Perez ; fr. Albert Bitanjol ✝️ ;fr Antonio Rey; fr Alfred Bitanga( fr Jose Aromg ; Carmen Nartates; Epifania Piscadera; Mildred Tohoy; Ellen Cordero ; Leonardo Lazaro; Leonardo P Nieves Gliceria Dela Cruz ; Natividad Munoz.. For the Healing of Timoteo Bueno ; jr ;for the cure from my Insomnia;,diabetes , Hypertension, Osteoporosis . For my son Michael Angelo N Lopez health especially his new kidney ; for my sister Leonida Nieves - Nuestro healing from memory loss and forever free from cancer and to my niece Maria Christina Borong as well ; and for my sisters Teresita Nepomuceno’s health; and Vivian Nieves- Bueno’s health and for my Brothers Antonio C Nieves conversion and healing from Kidney disease and conversions of his son Anthony and his wife ; and for the conversion of my brother Manuel and his son ; and for the conversion of my nephew Mark Richard N Nepomuceno and of the whole world; for the healing of Juliet del Rosario from lymphoma ; for the healing of grace Jacaba from cancer ;and for Edna Boggs from Parkinson’s disease and as weds as Timoteo Bueno ;jr from Parkinson’s disease . Keeping us my family safe from all harm . Guidance on my work ;conversion of my son Michael Angelo N Lopez to be respectful and may god grant him a woman who would love him faithfully and he too
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Please pray for Annmarie Mongan that her results come back clear and also pray for Julia Maughan and her premature baby girl please god bring them back to full heath in Jesus name amen
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Marie Taylor
Please pray for my family Frederick Taylor Sr Frederick Taylor Jr Christopher TaylorEugene Vidi that they resolve their serious issues Bless them in all they do They all need prayer lord In your Holy Name
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 4 times. I prayed for this
I pray for complete healing from my cancer and for healing for all the sick, including my brother in law David Anderson . I pray that I receive the abundance given to me from Jesus thru the kindness of Mavis and Patricia. Thank you so much Lord in Jesus name! Amen 🙏
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
Praying for my friend Jason Morehouse that he be brought to Jesus. I pray a miracle take place within him where he can accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. I pray that he be saved by the blood of Jesus. He’s a kind gentle man that was abused as a child and had a very sick mother growing up. He struggles with addiction to alcohol and mental health. I am Catholic and Jason has been so kind and genuine to me in my life. I just really hope somehow some way he can be brought to Jesus and know His Love for us.
I ask this through Christ Our Lord Amen
June 06, 2024 Prayed for 3 times. I prayed for this
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