Coronavirus in the Holy Land

Coronavirus in the Holy Land

Just like the rest of the world, COVID19 changed life in the Holy Land. The streets of the Old City in Jerusalem were once bustling with life. Thousands of pilgrims and tourists used to crowd the cobblestone streets. The churches were once full of people praying together, in the most historical and spiritual locations.

But for most of 2020, the Old City was empty. The shops in the bazaar shut down, even the churches closed their doors. The smell of incense still floats over the alters, but only the local clergymen are here to smell it.

The market stalls of Jerusalem shuttered their doors
The market stalls of Jerusalem shuttered their doors

I like to think now is the time to appreciate the things that we were too busy to see before. With everything closed, and only quietness around, we have time to reflect. We have time to fully dedicate ourselves to Jesus Christ. 

Since Coronavirus started, I have had more time to pray. I like to pray every day for myself and my family. But I also pray for the virus to end. I pray for people who lost their jobs. I pray for people who are sick or families that lost someone they love.

What do you pray for?

A church in Jerusalem
A church in Jerusalem

We can pray together as Christians. Let’s turn to God, faithfully untied. Even if you are physically separated from your friend or family, you can pray online together.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Do not lose faith. Do not lose hope. Remember that God is always with you. Turn to Him during difficult times and His goodness will prevail. 

And even though the Holy Land is closed for pilgrimages, your prayers can still be heard in Jerusalem. The Salvation Garden family is waiting to hand-deliver your prayer requests.

Quarantined due to Coronavirus? Send an Online Prayer Request

Prayer Request Against Coronavirus

Prayer Request Against Coronavirus

I had heard of the power of an online prayer request but did not believe much in its strength till one day, I decided to send one and seek God’s divine grace.

We were all happy as well as exhausted. My family and I had just spent the last week having a relaxing and blissful holiday abroad. Although I scanned the newspapers every morning and did my fair share of catching up on the latest happenings worldwide, I did not pay much attention to the growing pandemic of Coronavirus. After all, we were on our much-awaited holiday and wanted to make the most of our break. Moreover, the newspapers did not say much about whether Coronavirus had reached the city where we lived or the one where we were holidaying. So there really wasn’t much to rattle my nerves or get worried about my family. I decided to enjoy my holidays to the hilt and let the news reports take a back seat for the time being.

The day of our return flight dawned near. On our way to the airport, while we were waiting at a traffic signal, the cab driver turned on the radio. The newsreader was relaying how the deadly Coronavirus was quickly spreading and endangering the lives of everyone. The news hardly mattered to me because we were heading home and there were no reports of any cases being positive in our city. We reached the airport and, after the formalities were over, we all headed to the lounge for a cup of coffee. It was here that I heard some passengers discuss how fast Coronavirus was being detected all over the world and the preventive measures and advisories being broadcast all over the media. I logged in to my email and found that it had been flooded with messages issued in the public interest by our government and how to take precautionary measures to stay safe. My Facebook page was inundated with posts of new cases being detected and how people were getting paranoid about the situation by the day. Still, I brushed aside these reviews and proceeded to board my flight. 

The flight attended handed each one of us a small bottle of hand sanitizer and asked everyone to use it diligently. This seemed a bit strange as I had never seen anything like this before. Still, my family and I decided to follow the instructions as there was no harm in doing it. Personal hygiene was always on top of my mind, particularly when it came to my 3-year-old kid.

Our flight landed on time. We were all exhausted after the long flight and wanted to reach home as quickly as possible. As we started collecting our luggage, we noticed that there was a commotion at the other end of the airport. This section of the departure lounge was full of passengers who had disembarked from international flights. We collected our luggage and were about to head out when we were stopped by security guards. One of the guards checked our passports and asked us to follow him. We went with him and found ourselves joining the queue of people who had come from abroad. The guard explained to us that we would be quarantined like the other passengers and tests would be conducted for Coronavirus. We could only leave the airport if the test results were negative. We were whisked away to a segregated segment of the airport and kept in isolation. After a few hours, swabs were collected from our nose and throat and sent to a laboratory for analysis. We were told that it would take 24-72 hours for the results to come back.

I had already hit the panic button and started praying for my family. My husband told me to be strong but I was more concerned for my child than anyone else. I remembered that a cousin had sent an online prayer request and was able to tide over a crisis at a crucial period in her life. I shared my thoughts with my husband who readily agreed o send an online prayer request to a church in the Holy Land and seek His blessings. When we received an email with the photographs and video of our prayer request against coronavirus, we felt a surge of relief. Although we waited anxiously for the results, our turbulent mind was calm.

The test results came back after three days. All three of us had tested negative and the authorities told us that we were free to go home. We hugged each other and tears of joy flowed down my cheeks. The Lord had answered our prayers and blessed us with His divine touch. In my heart, I knew the power of an online prayer request and how it can show us the path in the most trying times.

Pray For Safety and Life: Christians In Solidarity Against Coronavirus

Pray For Safety and Life: Christians In Solidarity Against Coronavirus

Prayer Against Coronavirus

The world is in the grip of fear like never before.

We’re all battling the COVID-19: those who are infected those who are in quarantine and in turn the vulnerable groups, such as their families and the people treating the patients; those worried about the spread of the virus and everyone else who is susceptible to catching the infection.

You deserve hope, you deserve blessings.

The Salvation Garden is the carrier of your prayer from your heart to the Holy Land of Christianity.

We live in a strange world, don’t we? There is so much risk and uncertainty all around us that it’s easy to lose a sense of oneness with the Creator.

The deadly COVID-19 virus has affected thousands of people on the planet already. The worst affected are people who’ve had to fight a battle for their lives and lost it. We don’t underestimate the difficulty for caregivers either. The nature of the disease makes it painful for families to see their loved ones being isolated from the world for treatment. The doctors and medical staff treating those affected with the virus are doing God’s work in saving lives, often at the risk of their own. It is time to come together to pray to God and beseech Him to stop the spread of this deadly disease, save the affected and protect the vulnerable.

Seek The Safe Refuge of Prayer

We implore our brothers and sisters from across the world to let their faith in Jesus Christ become stronger in these testing times.

When we pray together, we call out powers higher than our own.

When we pray together, we bring together benevolent energies from all parts of the world together.

When we pray together, we make a silent vow of togetherness and solidarity.

The Salvation Garden implores Christians across the world to believe in the power of prayer.

Jerusalem Has The Answers

The world is in the center of a storm in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. People have lost their lives.

Families have lost their loved ones.

Caregivers are battling with depression.

Everyone is thinking twice before taking a step out of their houses. Travel plans have been cancelled. Lives are disrupted like we never thought.

Isn’t it only appropriate that when we find ourselves at the center of misery, we look towards the core of our faith, the center of our beliefs, the center of the world? The holy churches of Jerusalem are the epicenters of positivity, the core of Jesus Christ’s blessings.

The Salvation Garden Brings Your Prayers to the Holy Churches

When you need God to bless you with courage, when you need the limitless love and grace of the Lord, when you need answers – we will take your prayer from your heart to the feet of the Giver of Life.

You can submit your prayer online, and our team will print it physically, and then take it to the holiest churches in the land of Gospel.

We will share photographs of your prayer being hand-delivered by our team in the churches of your choice. We believe it’s our responsibility to help fellow Christians feel the miracle of prayer in one of the holiest churches of Jerusalem. Place your trust in Jesus and send your prayer request. Our online prayer request service is there to help you feel closer to God, and perhaps a little less alone or helpless.

The distance between hope and despair is that of faith. Choose to traverse the distance, choose The Salvation Garden as the link between your prayer and the Holy Land of Jesus.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.


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