Ascension Day Prayer Request

Ascension Day Prayer Request

Ascension Day Prayer Request - view from the Mount of Olives
Ascension Day Prayer Request – view from the Mount of Olives

Unique prayer request opportunity on the top of the Mount of Olives, the exact site of the Ascension of Jesus, on Ascension Day

To place your prayer request for Ascension Day on top of the Mount of Olives – please click here.

The Ascension of Jesus

Exactly 40 days after Resurrection, Jesus departed from Earth and rose into Heaven in the presence of His apostles. Ever since, Ascension Day is celebrated on Thursday, 40 days after Easter Sunday.

On Ascension Day, the hearts and eyes of Christians from around the world are focused on a specific point. To the East of the old city of Jerusalem, in the heart of the Holy Land, stands the ancient Mount of Olives, the exact location of the Ascension of Jesus.

Ascension Day Delegation to the Holy Ascension Site

This year, when travel is limited and pilgrimage is almost impossible, the Salvation Garden team plans a special prayer on top of the Mount of Olives on Ascension Day, Thursday, May 13th, 2021. We invite the members of our prayer community to participate in this unique prayer opportunity.

Unfortunately, the Mount of Olives is located in a disputed area, where Israelis and Palestinians had clashed in the past and there is a security challenge. Nevertheless, we plan the delegation to the Mount of Olives on Ascension Thursday and we will take the necessary security measures.

Prayer Request for Ascension Day

To place your personal prayer request, which we will pray for you on the site of Ascension on Ascension Day, please click here.

There, after writing your prayer request and selecting at least one Holy Land church, click “Continue” and then, select the Ascension Day option to be added.

To help with the travel costs, and especially the security measures, we collect donations and we thank you in advance for your generosity. Last year, in the months of 2020 and with Covid-19 related restrictions, the costs were higher than donations, but we were able to close the year and move forward. Again, thank you for any donation, big or small.

Prayer Request Jerusalem Photo

This photo of the old city of Jerusalem, where you can identify the most important holy sites of Jerusalem, is the view from the Mount of Olives. If you fill the prayer request for Ascension Day and select this option, you can expect to receive a photo of your prayer request in front of this view as a souvenir of this magnificent prayer opportunity.

Ascension Day Prayer Request - view from the Mount of Olives



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