Pandemic Prayer for the Well-Being of Children and People

Pandemic Prayer for the Well-Being of Children and People

Pandemic Prayer for the Well-Being of Children and People

There seems to be no decrease in the intensity of the global pandemic. We also observe that the pandemic has become more infectious, and several kids are contracting the disease. There are many cases where the complete family is suffering from its dangerous symptoms. The ailment and the gloom following it have affected the well-being and happiness of our yesteryear lives.

These are challenging times that have humbled us, and we have been seeking the mercy of the Almighty. Prayers are ceaselessly on our lips. We are constantly whispering petitions so that the pandemic ends fast. Believers are down on their knees and pleading to God to bring back the old times.

We are seeking divine intervention so that the pandemic disappears miraculously and magically. At the same time, have we taken out some time to contemplate and request for the right favors from our Lord during these distressful times?

• Learn To Pray Differently

Rather than praying for the coronavirus to go away, we should instead pray for virtues such as fortitude and strength to shoulder extra responsibilities to meet the pandemic demands. It is not enough to pray that the pandemic ends soon. We should also make efforts so that the calamity passes.

To curtail the contagion, we need to follow many practices such as maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, reducing social get-togethers, postponing travels that are not required, and getting vaccinated. We should then pray to seek the grace of God to counter the new demand of being responsible people. We should also face the burdens of the pandemic graciously.

Thus, it is high time that we know how to pray differently in the prevailing situation. We need to pray for patience, wisdom, and resilience. Let us also pray that people follow the laws of the land. We should also pray for developing a benevolent spirit, where we look beyond our benefits and consider all those millions of people who would be losing their battle against the COVID-19 due to the collective irresponsible behavior of others.

When we learn to pray differently, we will realize that God has already responded to our prayers. We also become optimistic that the pandemic will end sooner than later.

• Pandemic and the Wellbeing of Our Children

During the pandemic and at any other time of distress within the world or family, we should take care of our children and various aspects of their well-being. Additionally, we should be mindful of our kids spiritually.

• A Sample Pandemic Prayer For Children And People All Over

Loving God, you are the source of all health. Listen to the cries of all your children, old and young, in the scary pandemic. The virus is ravaging and threatening millions of people and children, and we do not know how to stop it with confidence.

Look at children and people with compassion, especially if they are suffering from this deadly virus in the world. May our hearts be full of love for our neighbors during these trying times.

Listen to our pleas for our children God, especially during the dangerous pandemic. King of kings, please protect them and fight their battles during this threat that we do not yet know how to stop completely. And lead our children and us throughout the planet into a safe and healthy future. Amen.

The Salvation Garden opens the gates for you and Christians around the world. We offer you direct access to the holy sites of Jerusalem. If you cannot visit the Holy Land for any reason, we are here for you.

You can submit your prayer online, and our team members will physically place it in the chosen worship site in the Holy Land. We offer digital documentation for every prayer so that you can connect to the Holy Land from your house.

Celebrating the Baptism of Jesus Christ on the banks of the Jordan

Celebrating the Baptism of Jesus Christ on the banks of the Jordan

Significance of the Baptism of Jesus at Qasr al Yahud along the Jordan

The shallow waters of the lower Jordan, flowing through meandering plains, is also the site of one of Christianity’s most holy sites – the site of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Also known by its Arabic name – the Qasr al Yahud – the waters of the Jordan at this point, just south of where the Yarmuk joins the Jordan, are considered holy beyond measure.

The Significance of the Baptism of Jesus Christ

This is because the Baptism of our Lord marks a watershed event, where Jesus first recognizes and accepts the fate that must befall him. In that moment of his blessed cleansing, the Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a white dove, and God, the Father’s own voice is heard, acknowledging pride in his divine son.

According to Mark 1:9-11:
It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. On coming up out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with you, I am well pleased.”

This is perhaps the only moment that the Trinity is seen together in one glorious scene, as famously depicted by Aert de Gelder, the last of Rembrandt’s pupils while in Amsterdam, in 1710.

Jesus’ baptism is markedly different from ordinary baptisms, which are a reaffirmation of sin and being cleansed therefrom. The son of God had no sins to repent but he chose to accept the fate of his painful death by crucifixion and, thereby his glorious resurrection, three days later.

The Gospel of Matthew 3:13-15 explains this point further.

Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. John tried to prevent him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and yet you are coming to me?” Jesus said to him in reply, “Allow it now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed him.

Accepting Christ, Rejecting Sin, and Becoming Part of his Family

But perhaps, no one has explained the significance of the Baptism of Christ better than the late Pope Benedict the Sixteenth. According to him, for the rest of us, baptism means being accepted into the family of God. This is because baptism means communion with the one who conquered death and holds in his hands the keys to life. Accepting Christ means being part of his circle and being showered with his eternal love far beyond death.

As the late Pope so eloquently puts it, “And if we can say that love and truth are sources of life, are life itself – and a life without love is not life – we can say that this companionship with the One who is truly life, with the One who is the Sacrament of life, will respond to your expectation, to your hope.”

Why Pilgrims Still Throng the Site of the Baptism on the Banks of the Jordan

Why Pilgrims Still Throng the Site of the Baptism on the Banks of the Jordan

Today, the muddy waters of the River Jordan have been drained and dammed for power and irrigation. But pilgrims still throng the points south of the Yarmuk to bathe and baptize themselves and be part of the experience of a lifetime – one they believe will give them power over sin, grief, worry, and doubt. For these are the holy lands and waters where Jesus himself lived, walked, cleansed, and caught fish.

To be part of this joyous ritual is to partake in a divine experience – where prayers are heard and answered – sorrows taken away and the spirit truly cleansed. The Salvation Garden praying community is proud of leading a delegation to this third most holy site in Christianity – where Jesus is believed to have first been spiritually reborn.

Pilgrimage is very limited due to pandemic-related restrictions, but we insist on carrying on. As we celebrate the spiritual rebirth of Jesus Christ and the beginning of his Ministry in Christianity’s third holiest site, we invite you to join us in prayer.

The Salvation Garden Team to Carry your Prayers to the Jordan

We are taking with us a limited number of personal prayer requests, which we will pray standing on the banks of the River Jordan and then set those prayer letters to float on the holy water.

If you send your prayer request and select the Baptism of Jesus option (after the Continue button), you will receive a photo of your printed request with the River Jordan at the site of baptism, plus a photo of the floating prayers upon the water.

Not far from Jericho, the heat there can reach over 110 degrees, yet neither sun nor vapid weather has managed to sap the strength in prayer of the Christian faithful. Such a prayer delegation would take an entire day, in harsh conditions, and it also requires security arrangements. Thank you so much for participating as your donations help turn this journey into a reality.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

Top 7 Sites Associated with the Virgin Mary in the Holy Lands

Top 7 Sites Associated with the Virgin Mary in the Holy Lands

Top 7 Sites Associated with the Virgin Mary in the Holy Lands

Bethlehem, Galilee, Nazareth, Hebron, and Jerusalem – these are all places associated with the Virgin Mary in the Holy Lands. Christians of all denominations hold Mary, the Mother of God, in high veneration – because of her proximity as the mother to the son of the one true Father, Jesus Christ. Therefore, her intercession in prayer is regarded as the most powerful method of beseeching God to answer your prayers.

August and September, in the Christian Calendar, are particularly celebrated because of the number of feasts and occasions celebrating the most important female character in the devotion of the Christian faithful the world over. August 15 is celebrated as the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. September 8 is celebrated as the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Catholics.

1. The Tomb of the Virgin Mary:

The Salvation Garden organizes trips to some of the most famous sites associated with the Madonna. Of these, the most famous one has to be the site of the Dormition – the passing of Mary to heaven once the natural course of her time on earth was over. Team members carry prayers from sponsors to be read out at the Tomb of the Virgin Mary where priests from different denominations unite in celebrating the Assumption. This year, too, we plan to engage in reciting the Hail Mary, the Rosary, consisting of all twenty mysteries, in consonance with the beads of the sacred thread.

We can light a candle for you, bought from the local authorities and blessed by the order of monks residing here. We can even make a video of the entire procession cum Mass, in order to deliver these to you via email.

The Tomb lies in the Kidron valley, near the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

2. The Abbey of the Dormition:

Located just outside the walls of old Jerusalem, in Mount Zion, the Dormition Abbey is said to have been build under the patronage of John the Second, Bishop of Jerusalem in the early 5the century CE.

This site is well-known for its annual seminars on Theology for priests in training from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.

3. The Church of the Annunciation:

Clearly demonstrating more Byzantine architecture, this monument marks the site where the angel Gabriel announced the conception and birth of Jesus Christ to a young and virgin, Mary.

This site is located in Nazareth, in Northern Israel.

4. The Church of the Nativity:

The birthplace of Jesus is as much a site dedicated to the baby Jesus, as it is to his mother. The grotto here is one of the most ancient sites of worship that has continuously been used since the time of Emperor Constantine.

Ownership to this important site is aptly divided between the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Armenian Apostolic, Coptic Orthodox, and the Syrian Orthodox denominations of the Christian faithful.

5. The Ancient Town of Capernaum:

The entire ancient town of Capernaum was uncovered in the early 20th century by the Franciscan fathers who took over the land. This is the place where Jesus was accompanied by Mary and some of Jesus’ earliest disciples to preach his ministry. You can find the original house of St. Peter, the apostle, as well as sites where Jesus performed many of his earliest miracles, such as the healing of the cripple and the healing of the Centurion’s daughter.

6. The Church of St. Anne:

You probably didn’t know that Anne and Joachim were the parents of the Saint we now worship as the Blessed Virgin Mary. Built during the time of the Crusades, this site is incredibly well-preserved amid a courtyard full of trees, shrubs, and flowers. Of course, this is also the most likely birthplace of the Virgin Mary.

7. The Orthodox Shrine of the Nativity of Mary:

This site is arguably not the place where Mary was born. However, some religions consider this place to be sacred by virtue of its association with the early life of the Virgin Mary. You will also find that this shrine offers one of the most peaceful prayer destinations in Jerusalem.

As people here are wont to say, ‘Bring a Bible with you and watch the holy lands come to life’. In case you are unable to make it to these pilgrimage sites, we can volunteer to carry your prayers to one of the holiest sites in these lands. All you need to do is sponsor a delegation to make the trip. Check out how this process works today by sending a prayer request online.

Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Mary in the Holy Lands

Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Mary in the Holy Lands

Feast of the Assumption of Mary

The feast of the Assumption of Mary marks the Christian community’s veneration of the occasion when the mother of Jesus was “assumed” into heaven, body and soul, once the course of her life was over. This event is believed to be preceded by the ‘Dormition’, or the death of the Virgin Mary. The feast of the Assumption is celebrated in the Julian calendar on August the 15th every year.

Why Do We Celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary?

The Assumption is said to conform with Mary’s stature in Christian theology where her immaculate conception (the belief that Mary conceived Jesus by divine intervention despite being a virgin) is considered an infallible doctrine. Many Christians believe that if Mary could bear the son of God in her womb for nine months, she must have been a creature of heaven from the very beginning. Therefore, just like Jesus, who ascended into heaven, his mother, too, is borne by angels into the kingdom of God.

The significance of the Virgin Mary lies in the fact that she wasn’t just a mother to God but to every man, woman, and child on this earth. The bond of mother and child is considered sacred and is tied to the concept of unconditional love. Some may even say that Mary makes the image of God more humane.

Hence, it is no surprise that the Virgin Mary has her own prayer – the Hail Mary.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

Mary Intercedes for Us When God Isn’t Listening

When God doesn’t seem to be listening, Mary, the mother has his ear. She intercedes between us and the Father. She gives strength to our prayers and in her name, miracles come to life.

The Rosary – a powerful form of prayer that originated in the Middle Ages, depends, for its fruition on a devotion to Mary, the mother of God.

How is the Assumption Celebrated in the Holy Lands?

In Israel, there is a growing and lively Christian community that celebrates the feast of the Assumption with a number of different eucharistic rites. The Franciscans, for example, have previously held a Vigil in the Garden of Gethsemane, where they read out several scenes from the Virgin Mary’s life. This reading was preceded by a march that saw community members carrying the image of the Virgin of Fatima into the Basilica of the Agony.

Masses are held and attended in numbers at the Church of All Nations and the Dormition Abbey. The latter is the site where the Assumption of Mary is said to have taken place. At the of the Mass at Dormition Abbey, the order of the Benedictine monks, who hold custody of the site, lead a procession into the actual crypt of the Virgin Mary.

The Eastern Orthodox Church of the Tomb of Mary takes out a similar procession within. Rosary liturgies can be heard being sung as pilgrims enter the tomb one at a time. The Roman Catholics are allowed to conduct a separate ceremony inside the temple for the only time in the year.

If you are burdened, caring for an ill family member, or grieving the loss of a loved one, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary is the perfect time to offer your devotion to Mary and have her intercede for a miracle. The Salvation Garden praying community tasks volunteers to carry your prayers to the Dormition Abbey and other churches in the Holy Lands for a minimal fee to cover travel and arrangements. Send in your prayer request today.

Top 5 Prayer Requests for the Critically Ill

Top 5 Prayer Requests for the Critically Ill

Send a prayer for the critically ill. Here are 5 common holy land prayer requests to cure serious ailments. Feel free to be inspired and ask for relief from suffering from within the land of Jesus’s death and resurrection! Submit your prayer request here.

Top 5 Prayer Requests for the Critically Ill
Sending a prayer request for someone struggling with a critical illness is a powerful way of alleviating suffering for both the victim and yourself. Living with the knowledge that you could lose someone dear to you can be very painful and the burden may sometimes feel too heavy to carry alone. In such times, sharing your burden with God can have profound effects on mood and provide relief from anxiety.

If you’ve felt distanced from God, you can ask for a prayer to be offered for you by people of integrity and faith, in the lands where Jesus Christ was born, crucified, and resurrected for inspiration.

In the words of James 5:13-16, “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Sometimes you may feel at a loss for words or too overcome by emotion to create a prayer on your own. Here are 5 common prayer requests in the holy land for the critically ill whose healing may need a miracle to be realized.

1. Prayer for those Suffering from Cancer

Heavenly Father, I offer you, in full faith, and in pleading ask that you grant comfort to Miranda’s body when she is in pain. Put your loving hand on all those suffering from cancer and help our healers remove all tumorous cells from their bodies. May they never be afraid and may they always feel your presence, and be blessed. Amen!

2. Prayer for those Suffering from Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, and Stroke

Lord, I come to you in complete surrender and in all humility. I offer trust in your love and mercy, believing that whatever I ask from you in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, you will grant me if it is fair and in accordance with your divine will.

I lift up to you, Mario, who is need of healing from heart disease. Hear my prayers through your temple in the most holy lands. Let the grace of your divine healing flow through all parts of his body, touching his heart, veins, and arteries, and all places afflicted with sickness. Bring healing to his nerves and organs surrounding the heart. Console him and ease his pain. Bring relief from suffering and restore his health in body, mind, and spirit. Amen!

3. Prayer for those Undergoing Surgery

Loving Father, I thank you for defending me and helping me overcome obstacles in life. I thank you for giving me the doctors and the nurses that I needed for my surgery. Please guide their hands and minds so that they are able to work with care and skill. By the promise of the resurrection of your son and our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, I look forward to you fighting for me. May the prayers of these faithful, who intercede for me, be heard. Please help me get better and back to serving your will again. Amen!

4. Prayer for those Suffering from Dementia

Fill with your grace and love, O Lord, the cups of all those suffering from dementia and diseases of the brain. It is frustrating for them to not be able to find a word and it is fearful to lose one’s memories. Bless them all with patience. Give strength and understanding to the families of these, your children. May they be blessed with days of hope and accomplishment. In the name of Christ, our savior and Lord, we pray for your blessings. Amen!

5. Prayer for those Suffering from Paralysis

O heavenly father, through these faithful gathered in the most holy of your churches and witness to crucifixion and resurrection of your only son and our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that you may ease the suffering of Ludwig. It is hard not to stay bitter in his paralysis. Let him not think desperate thoughts. Help him to overcome self-pity and become aware that he is not alone in his suffering. Bless those who care for and support him that they may seek patience and serve with love and respect. Through the suffering and the eternal sacrifice of Christ, may we feel loved and blessed every day. Amen!

The Salvation Garden virtually opens the gates for you, and for Christians around the world, giving you direct access to Jerusalem’s holy sites. Now you can send your prayer and have it physically placed in your chosen site of worship in the Holy Land. Write you prayer request here.

Ascension Day Prayer Request

Ascension Day Prayer Request

Ascension Day Prayer Request - view from the Mount of Olives
Ascension Day Prayer Request – view from the Mount of Olives

Unique prayer request opportunity on the top of the Mount of Olives, the exact site of the Ascension of Jesus, on Ascension Day

To place your prayer request for Ascension Day on top of the Mount of Olives – please click here.

The Ascension of Jesus

Exactly 40 days after Resurrection, Jesus departed from Earth and rose into Heaven in the presence of His apostles. Ever since, Ascension Day is celebrated on Thursday, 40 days after Easter Sunday.

On Ascension Day, the hearts and eyes of Christians from around the world are focused on a specific point. To the East of the old city of Jerusalem, in the heart of the Holy Land, stands the ancient Mount of Olives, the exact location of the Ascension of Jesus.

Ascension Day Delegation to the Holy Ascension Site

This year, when travel is limited and pilgrimage is almost impossible, the Salvation Garden team plans a special prayer on top of the Mount of Olives on Ascension Day, Thursday, May 13th, 2021. We invite the members of our prayer community to participate in this unique prayer opportunity.

Unfortunately, the Mount of Olives is located in a disputed area, where Israelis and Palestinians had clashed in the past and there is a security challenge. Nevertheless, we plan the delegation to the Mount of Olives on Ascension Thursday and we will take the necessary security measures.

Prayer Request for Ascension Day

To place your personal prayer request, which we will pray for you on the site of Ascension on Ascension Day, please click here.

There, after writing your prayer request and selecting at least one Holy Land church, click “Continue” and then, select the Ascension Day option to be added.

To help with the travel costs, and especially the security measures, we collect donations and we thank you in advance for your generosity. Last year, in the months of 2020 and with Covid-19 related restrictions, the costs were higher than donations, but we were able to close the year and move forward. Again, thank you for any donation, big or small.

Prayer Request Jerusalem Photo

This photo of the old city of Jerusalem, where you can identify the most important holy sites of Jerusalem, is the view from the Mount of Olives. If you fill the prayer request for Ascension Day and select this option, you can expect to receive a photo of your prayer request in front of this view as a souvenir of this magnificent prayer opportunity.

Ascension Day Prayer Request - view from the Mount of Olives


Prayer Request Delegation to Capernaum

Prayer Request Delegation Capernaum

The spring season is just starting in the Holy Land and a perfect warm and sunny weather welcomed our special delegation to Capernaum. We traveled to the North of Israel to pray for our community members from around the world. The selected location was specifically selected by Jesus over 2,000 years ago.

Church of 12 Apostils - Prayer Request
Capernaum, Praying Inside the Church

Carrying with us your Holy Land prayer requests, We began the day early in the morning at Chorazin, a ancient settlement also mentioned in the Bible. The antique ruins of a beautiful synagogue tell a story of a strong community that lived here, where Jesus chose to spend several years. The fields around are still green, some with wild barley, as the area was know for growing wheat and barley.

Chorazin Prayer Request
Chorazin, The North of the Holy Land

Following our local guide, we then walked for half a day downhill, surrounded by green fields and wild plum trees. Looking closely at the trees, it’s easy to notice small thorns. Yes, these are no other but the Ziziphus Spina-Christi trees, known as the Christ’s Thorn Jujube. These trees were used for the crown of thorns placed on Christ’s head during His crucifixion.

Christ's Thorn Jujube
The original tree of Christ’s Thorn Jujube

As we continue to walk, a magnificent view opens in front of our eyes. A blue lake reveals itself in the distance, the Sea of Galilee. This view hasn’t changed throughout the many years that had passed. The Biblical view, the atmosphere, the blessing in the wind. All feels the same.

Sea of Galilee Prayer Request
An amazing view of the Sea of Galilee

After several hours we reached the Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. In this area called Capernaum, after the ancient Hebrew name Kfar Nahum (the Village of Nahum), Jesus chose to live for three years. Here He selected the first Apostles. And more than anything, here he answered prayers and performed miracles.

Capernuam Holy Land Prayer Request
Capernaum, Delivering your prayer request here

Prayers where directly answered by Jesus in this holy place. Jesus expelled a demon from a possessed man here (Mark 1:21-27). He cured a Roman officer’s servant of palsy, the centurion is thought to have had the synagogue built (Luke 7:3). Here Jesus also raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead (Luke 8:41-53).

Capernaum Sea of Galilee Holy Land Prayer Request
Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee, Your Holy Land Prayer Request

Today, several churches stand in this holy site, referred to in the Bible as Jesus’ Own Town or the Town of Jesus. An old Catholic church in the Western side, alongside a Franciscan monastery. A Greek Orthodox Monastery to the East’ alongside the Church of the 12 Apostles. In between a long path allows believers to walk calmly and absorb the atmosphere. Not very far above, the Beatitude Monastery has beautiful views of the entire Capernaum area.

Capernaum the Town of Jesus - Prayer Request
Capernaum, the Town of Jesus – Prayer Request Here

This is were we were honored and humbled to carry your prayer requests. One by one, printed, whispered, carried in the light wind of this blissful holy place. We pray that the prayers were heard. May they all be answered, Amen.

Capernaum the Town of Jesus - Catholic Church
Capernaum the Town of Jesus – The Catholic Church

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

Holy Sepulchre

Pray With Us: Holy Sepulchre

Pray With Us: Holy Sepulchre

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre contains the two holiest sites in Christianity. Inside the sacred halls is Calvary, the site where Jesus was crucified for our sins. There is also Jesus’s empty tomb, the spot where He was buried and resurrected. 

We can pray together from this ancient and spiritual church in Jerusalem. 

The church is inside the Christian quarter of Jerusalem’s old city. The final four Stations of The Cross, or the Via Dolorosa, are enshrined here. 

The Bible tells us that Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, “the place of the skull”. It was a stone quarry, just outside the city walls. 

In 312 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine had a vision of the Cross. He converted to Christianity after receiving the sign from God and sent his mother to search for Golgotha. 

Empress Helen found a tomb that fit the Gospel’s description of the Calvary. All of the dirt and debris that had gathered with time and neglect was removed. A rock-cut tomb and a relic of the Cross were found underneath!

Holy Sepulchre 
A woman prays outside the historic doors of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

A church was built in 326 AD at the newly identified tomb of Jesus. The wooden doors at the main entrance are the same doors commissioned by Constantine over a thousand years ago.

Your prayers can be answered at the Calvary! 

Inside the church, a stairway leads up to the site of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is the most extravagant part of the Holy Sepulchre. Ornate gold decorates the place where Jesus died on the Cross. 

Holy Sepulchre 
Picture of the alter at the site of Jesus’s crucifixion.

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

The Stone of Anointing is at the entrance. This is where Christ’s body was prepared for His burial. A large mosaic behind it shows the anointing of Jesus’s body. 

The faithful praying over the Stone of Anointing
The faithful praying over the Stone of Anointing.

The 19th century Aedicule is a small chapel within the larger church. It has two small rooms, one is the Tomb of Jesus. In the other is the Angel’s Stone, a small piece of the stone that sealed Jesus’s tomb. 

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3: 

In May 2016, the Aedicule underwent precarious restorations. The $4 million dollar project started after the Israel Antiquities Authority declared the monumental structure unsafe. 

Even if you are far from Jerusalem, you can still have your prayers heard inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Our prayer team can deliver your urgent prayer requests in the Holy Land today.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

Capernaum – Jesus’ Own Town

Capernaum – Jesus’ Own Town

Capernaum, Praying Inside the Church
Capernaum, Praying Inside the Church

Sitting on the Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, the ancient village Capernaum – and in Hebrew Nahum’s Village – is referred to in the Bible as Jesus’ “own town”. Today, it is a very important holy pilgrimage site. Going back in time, this is where Jesus chose to live, teach and perform miracles.

Capernaum – Where Jesus Chose to Live and Preach

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, brought up in Nazareth and preached in Jerusalem. But it was the significant Galilean Ministry years which he spent in Capernaum and where he performed many of His miracles. Capernaum became His home and the Bible calls it Jesus’ “own city”.

Matthew 4:13 tells us that Jesus left Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum after being tempted in the wilderness. Here He met James, John, Peter, Andrew all fishermen and Matthew a tax collector, five of His future disciples (source).

It was in the Capernaum synagogue that Jesus gave the Sermon on the Bread of Life (John 6:35-59). “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day”. In this synagogue Jesus would regularly preach (John 6:59, Luke 4:33).

Prayers Answered Here

Christian believers who visit Capernaum these days can visit the remains of His old preaching place. Praying here takes a whole new meaning.

Prayers where directly answered by Jesus in this holy place. Jesus expelled a demon from a possessed man here (Mark 1:21-27). He cured a Roman officer’s servant of palsy, the centurion is thought to have had the synagogue built (Luke 7:3). Here Jesus also raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead (Luke 8:41-53).

Capernaum Prayer Request

Image Source

House of Saint Peter

Alongside the excavations of the ancient synagogue, archeologists also found the House of St. Peter, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, and one of the first leaders of the early Church.

Your Prayer Request at Capernaum

Praying at Capernaum, where Jesus had answered prayers and performed miracles during His days on Earth, brings us closer to the divine. Knowing that He answered direct prayers of healing here adds strength to prayers here for centuries.

Capernaum is located in the North of Israel and we can’t visit it on a regular basis. But we do go there every few months and update our community members about the opportunity to write and send prayer requests to be delivered there. Every such prayer request will be prayed there and we will send back a photo of the prayer in the location. At the moment, we can’t record videos or light candles at this holy site. Such a trip takes a whole day and has costs, which we cover through generous donations.

Please click the link here to write and send your prayer request, and after the Continue button, select the Jesus’ Own Town option (when available).

The Garden Tomb

Send Prayer Request Online at The Garden Tomb

Prayer Request Online at the The Garden Tomb
Pray with Us: The Garden Tomb

The exact historical site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection have been debated for centuries. The bible’s description of the Calvary gives us some clues. But modern Jerusalem does not have the same landscape, making it difficult to know for sure…

“Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle.” John 19:17-18

In 300 AD, the location of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was identified as Golgotha. However, many years later, a new discovery uncovered another tomb that left many people wondering. 

The Garden Tomb is a rock-cut tomb that was unearthed in 1867. The site has many similarities to the scenes depicted in the Bible. While some archaeologists say it is not from the same time period, it is widely accepted as the possible burial site of Jesus Christ. 

Regardless of history, the Garden Tomb is a peaceful place of worship. Everyone can agree that it preserves a more traditional perception of what Calgary would have looked like.

Architecture alteration and time have changed the tomb at the crowded Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Because of that, many prefer the Garden Tomb for the feeling of being truly immersed into the events described in the Gospels. 

How Can The Salvation Garden Help You?

The Salvation Garden believes that every believer in the world should be easily able to access the holy places of the Holy Land. We want to assist you in achieving success in your spiritual and material life.

Those who are unable to make it to these pilgrimage sites, we volunteer to carry your prayers to one of the holiest sites in these lands.

Click here to fill the online prayer request form with your personal prayer. Choose The Garden Tomb or multiple holy churches and holy places in the Holy Land.

We will visit those holy places and personally deliver your printed prayer request. You will get the delivery confirmation from us to your email and an optional video.

We also deliver your urgent prayer request to the Holy Land. While our service comes free, your donations help us with our travel, printing, security, and other expenses.

Rare Visit and Prayer Request at The Monastery on Top of Mount of Olives

Rare Visit and Prayer Request at The Monastery on Top of Mount of Olives

Very few people had ever entered this holy site, which stands on the top of the Mount of Olives for over 125 years. Finally, under rare circumstances, we are honored to share with you photos and impressions from the inside of this ancient monastery. Delivering an urgent prayer request at the heart of the Holy Land brings heartwarming and blissful moments.

The Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives stands east of the old city of Jerusalem and at 826 meters above see level, it is higher. The mount has served as a cemetery of over 3,000 years. It is the exact location where Jesus ascended to heaven. As such, this holy site has been a place of worship since ancient times and Christians from all over the world view it as a major site of pilgrimage.

Jerusalem Old City view from the Mount of Olives - prayer request
Jerusalem Old City View from the Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives is named after the olive groves that used to cover it. Today, there are just a few last remaining olive trees still nurtured. But they are hidden and inaccessible behind the walls of the oldest monastery on the mountain, which rarely opens its doors.

The Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters

Since October 1896, over 125 years ago, a lone contemplative monastery stands on the top of the mountain. This is the home of the Congregation of Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Calvary. The first seven sisters came to Jerusalem from France and until today French is the common language. These days, five sisters live in the monastery, all of them for over 20 years, rarely exiting the old walls surrounding the place.

Always Closed - The Gate of The Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters
Always Closed – The Gate of The Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters

Except for urgent medical care, the sisters do not leave the monastery. And apart for an annual visit of pilgrims from Italy, no visitors enter the monastery. The Benedictine monastery stands like a time capsule in the heart of Jerusalem.

Inside The Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters - Prayer Request
Inside The Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters

The sisters devote their time to prayers, contemplation, and to their expertise – writing beautiful Christian iconography (and they insist that they write and not paint this magnificent art).

Christian iconography at The Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters
Christian iconography at The Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters

Prayer Request at the Monastery

This year, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the annual visit of pilgrims did not happen, for the first time in many years. The sisters count on these visitors to help with picking the olives and paying a humble donation. This is the main source of income for the monastery.

The Chapelle of The Monastery
The Chapelle of The Monastery

And thus, under these rare circumstances, very few visitors from Israel were allowed into the monastery. All were Israeli volunteers who came to help with the olives. Among them, a delegate from The Salvation Garden was invited as well, to help with the olives and deliver an urgent prayer request at this holy site.

The Last Olive Trees on the Mount of Olives, behind it the Monastery
The Last Olive Trees on the Mount of Olives, behind it the Monastery

Olive Oil from the Mount of Olives

We’re thrilled to update that a close friendship was founded, with hopes for future visits as well. Also, we purchased the rarest of all olive oil. The only olive oil in the world made out of olives from the Mount of Olives. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Olive Oil from The Last Olive Trees on the Mount of Olives
Olive Oil from The Last Olive Trees on the Mount of Olives

While we can’t promise to deliver your prayer request at this specific holy site, since it is closed to visitors most of the year, we do visit regularly the holy churches of Jerusalem. For an urgent prayer request, we even hurry to pray for you within 24 hours.

Please click here to fill your own prayer request for the churches of the Holy Land

The Evangelical Church of Ascension in Jerusalem

Prayer Request at The Evangelical Church of Ascension

Upon delivering an urgent prayer request, submitted online by one of The Salvation Garden’s community members, we visited a phenomenal holy site.

In the heart of the Holy Land, in the Eastern part of Jerusalem, stands the Mount of Olives, the exact place from which Jesus ascended to heaven.

Over  130 years ago, in 1898, The German Emperor Wilhelm II visited the Mount of Olives, gasped in the magnificent view of the Old City, and decided to build a hospice. He honored his wife and named the place after here. Until these days, this is location of the Augusta Victoria Hospital.

Augusta Victoria Bell Tower Prayer Request

The Highest Bell Tower around Jerusalem

Inside the hospital compounds stands a glorious church which resembles a German fort, with a 45 meters high bell tower and a great hall.  At 850 meters above sea level and about 1,300 meters above the Dead Sea, anyone visiting Jerusalem notices the Augusta Victoria tower.

After climbing about 230 stairs, the views from the top of the tower were breathtaking. Looking at the ancient Old City of Jerusalem from above, one can see all the great churches, the big wall and the entire city.

View from Augusta Victoria Bell Tower

Praying for You at Augusta Victoria

To deliver the urgent prayer request we also entered the great hall of the church. Sadly, during our visit the church has marked nearly a full year of closure, due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The wonderful mosaics, the amazing ceiling and the huge organ – all were left unseen and untouched for long months. We were honored to walk the isles and speak our prayers softly.

While we would love to deliver more prayer requests at the Augusta Victoria church, it is quite remote and closed most of the time. Yet sometimes we get a special request like this one, who wanted us to pray at the site of ascension, where Jesus ascended to heaven.

Evangelical Church of Ascension Prayer Request

Looking up, the ceiling of the church is so beautiful and powerful. Looking forward, towards the location of Ascension, the marble work is astonishing. And on the left side, almost hidden, stands the Altar from the Schneller Syrian Orphanage, dated 1910.

Augusta Victoria Altar Prayer Request

Prayer Request Under This Ceiling

After prayer, raising our eyes, you can’t stop looking at this ceiling.

Request a Prayer at Augusta Victoria Jerusalem Church - Ceiling

Wish you could have been here with us, praying together for better times. The team of The Salvation Garden will continue to go anywhere our praying members ask us, all with sincere love from the Holy Land.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.



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