Where will the resurrection happen?

Where will the resurrection happen?


It Started in Jerusalem

Jesus’ resurrection took place in Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is believed by Christians to be the site which contains both the site of Christ’s crucifixion at Calvary and the tomb in which he was buried and resurrected. It is located in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Will God’s calling will be heard from anywhere?

For most Christians, there will be no set location for the resurrection and merely being buried in the consecrated ground will mark one out for ascension. Upon the Second Coming, the Bible states

“For the hour is coming in which all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:25)

This implies the resurrection will take place across the world. However, Jerusalem continues to be a strong place of pilgrimage for those of the Christian faith to this day. While many are content to visit Jerusalem, others may desire to be buried here in the Christian quarter in the belief that they are closer to the resting place of Christ.

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