What is the Meaning of Jesus’ Parable of the Lost Sheep?

What is the Meaning of Jesus’ Parable of the Lost Sheep?

What is the Meaning of Jesus’ Parable of the Lost Sheep?

It is not uncommon to be disdainful of those who consider themselves superior, as a class, than others in general, but you probably didn’t know that Jesus’ Parable of the Lost Sheep was the one of the first such acts of revolt against classism. Why do we say that, you may ask. Here’s why:

Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.Luke 15:1-7

During Jesus’ time, the Pharisees were religious leaders by training and they were considered authorities on the law. In those days, laws was equated with morality and people who didn’t follow strict sets of teacher-given laws were looked upon with scorn and considered outcasts. By associating and “eating with sinners”, Jesus admonishes the Pharisees and teachers of the law with his parable of the lost sheep. Note that it wasn’t Jesus’ way to pick up arguments forcefully. Explaining his point of view through small tales and anecdotes was his way of gently pushing his ideas through.

The parable of the lost sheep explains, in terms that ordinary people of the time could understand, how the ‘good shepherd’ worries over the loss of a single sheep and rejoices when that single sheep is found. God, says Jesus, cares and is worried about each one of us. When we lose our way, God will not abandon us. He would keep reminding us, through the goodness of others around us, that there is a better way to lead our lives. For Christians, this goodness comes through volunteers and groups of the faithful who engage in daily prayer.

Nowadays, we would laugh at anyone who tells us that by associating with ‘wicked people’ we are being wicked ourselves. After years of class struggles and bloody revolutions overthrowing those who believed in privilege by birth, it is good to see our expressions validated by someone who lived two thousand years ago. And his fortitude is even more telling considering it led to his persecution and eventual death at the cross.

Today, Christians all over the world pay homage to the life and times of one, Jesus Christ, a carpenter by trade. The Salvation Garden praying community welcomes you to view the monuments of Jesus and his 12 apostles vicariously. We dedicate our lives to offering your prayers at five of the most beloved churches of the holy lands of Jerusalem, Jaffa, and others in the territories of Israel. Talk to us for special visits by our prayer volunteers today.

10 Things I Learned from the Passion of Christ

10 Things I Learned from the Passion of Christ

10 Things I Learned from the Passion of Christ

The passion of Christ or the suffering that Jesus endured despite being innocent of the crimes the rabbis accused him of, is not merely a history lesson to be reenacted for posterity. There are critical life lessons from the way of the cross that we can carry forward into our own lives. These lessons are not simply to be revisited come Easter week. They have to be considered and practiced throughout the lives we lead.

Here are the 10 most important lessons that the passion of Christ teaches us.

1. Courage: While some traditionalists may believe that Jesus freed us from original sin by sacrificing himself on the cross, the most obvious aspect of the suffering that Christ faced on his way to Calvary is the courage and fortitude that he showed. Being wronged may not necessarily be a part of everyday life but when it does happen, learning the strength with which Jesus faced his trials is a lesson all of us could use.

2. The Willingness to Surrender: God’s divine plan has a logic that may not be apparent in our time. Nor is God responsible for man’s depravity and independent actions. By accepting God’s will in times of adversity, we make ourselves stronger to lead life in more exemplary ways.

3. The Habit of Prayer: Indulging in everyday prayer keeps us morally honest, mentally sincere, and psychologically healthy. Unburdening yourself, especially as part of praying communities does wonders in helping you sort and prioritize difficulties in life.

4. Patience: Jesus knew that he was innocent and that the trials of a manipulated mob were unjust. Yet he chose to suffer and accept death at the hands of his aggressors. His quiet fortitude and tenacity is borne out by his successfully creating an example for the world to follow.

5. Forgiveness: Following off the last argument, knowing how to forgive those who have wronged you is one of the hardest lessons in life. Jesus showed us exactly how this could be done, 2000 years ago.

6. Perseverance: Jesus is said to have been singular in the tenets of his faith despite having the world conspire against him. This speaks volumes about how consistent we should remain and persist in our moral principles no matter how lonely it gets.

7. The Ability to Take on Suffering: Suffering isn’t just physical pain that you may have undergone during an illness or an experience with disability. It is also the mental dejection that you face when you have to depend upon others for the slightest of needs. The passion teaches us how Jesus used the power of prayer when things became too tough to endure. He does express his anguish momentarily. But in the end, he is strong as ever. That is the example we can learn to follow.

8. Emerging from Redemption: There are times when we feel so dejected by the wrongs we may have committed in the past that we fail to see how we can make amends in the future. Every minor act matters as Jesus showed when he chose to forgive the criminal, Barabbas for his small act of kindness by the cross.

9. Looking for Hope: Even when all the world seems against us, being able to see things in perspective and persisting with habits of kindness, justness, and compassion, helps us hold on to our Christianity. Prayer helps as well.

10. Preparing for a Better End: As Christians, we are free to live our lives fully, struggling in the pursuit of a skill, a study, or a calling. We’re also free to love, laugh, and play. But our faith strongly directs us to prepare for a place in a kingdom that’s not of this world.

The Salvation Garden virtually opens the gates for you, and for Christians around the world, giving you direct access to Jerusalem’s holy sites. Now you can send your prayer and have it physically placed in your chosen site of worship in the Holy Land. Write your prayer request here.

Church of All Nations

Send Prayer Request Online at the Church of All Nations

The Church of All Nations sits at the base of the Mount of Olives. Right next to the church are eight ancient olive trees, growing old in the Garden of Gethsemane. One of the trees is over 2,000 years old. Local Christians believe it gave Christ shelter as He prayed the night before His crucifixion.

Olive tree from the time of Jesus Christ
Olive tree from the time of Jesus Christ.

“And in His Anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.” Luke 22:44

This holy site used to be called the Church of Agony. In the center of the church is the rock where Jesus stopped to pray, before He was arrested by Roman soldiers. Because of that, the original name of the church comes from the bible and His prayers of agony. 

The bedrock where Jesus prayed in anguish
The bedrock where Jesus prayed in anguish.

The current structure is built on top of the foundations of two earlier churches. The first, a 4th century basilica was destroyed in an earthquake in 746 AD. After that, crusaders built a church in the 12th century, but it was abandoned in 1345 AD.

The Church of All Nations was completed June 24th, 1924. During the renovations, a Greek inscription was found on the floor that reads, “for the memory and repose of the lovers of Christ… accept the offering of your servants and give them remission of sins”.

Money for the construction was donated from twelve different countries from around the globe. Of course, this is why we call it the Church of All Nations today. 

make a unity prayer request

It is the perfect place to make a unity prayer request. The building and the garden are maintained by the Roman Catholic Church, but it is regularly used by Christians of all denominations. Protestants, Evangelicals, Lutherans, Armenian Apostolic, Eastern Orthodox and more all worship in this church.

The multi-denomination use is culturally unique and hard to find anywhere else in the world. It is truly a Church of All Nations. 

“For I know their works and their thoughts; the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My Glory.” Isaiah 66:18

How Can The Salvation Garden Help You?

The Salvation Garden believes that every believer in the world should be easily able to access the holy places of the Holy Land. We want to assist you in achieving success in your spiritual and material life.

Those who are unable to make it to these pilgrimage sites, we volunteer to carry your prayers to one of the holiest sites in these lands.

Click here to fill the online prayer request form with your personal prayer. Choose Church of All Nations or multiple holy churches and holy places in the Holy Land.

We will visit those holy places and personally deliver your printed prayer request. You will get the delivery confirmation from us to your email and an optional video.

We also deliver your urgent prayer request to the Holy Land. While our service comes free, your donations help us with our travel, printing, security, and other expenses.

Holy places for Christianity in Jerusalem

Holy Places for Christianity in Jerusalem

As you skim through the pages of travel glossies, surf the Internet or engage in animated conversations with your friends and family to select your next destination for religious succour, one name that crops up is: Jerusalem. This ancient city boasts of a concentration of holy sites that are of utmost significance to devout followers of Christianity. But if undertaking a pilgrimage acts as a deterrent or you are faced by other hurdles, consider sending a prayer request to these holy sites. Let us take a look at some of these places where you can Send a Prayer Request to Jerusalem.

The Holy Sepulchre Entrance

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, also known as Holy Sepulchre, is believed to be the place where Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected. As early as the 2nd century, the hill where the church is located has been a site of worship; the first building that was built here was a temple dedicated to the worship of Aphrodite. One can see the Stone of Unction, which marks the spot where Jesus’s body was prepared for burial, the Angel’s Stone (a piece of the rock used to seal Christ’s tomb), and the tomb itself. The New Testament claims that Christ was crucified at Golgotha, the place of the skull. Constantine the Great constructed the first church on the site. Saint Helena, Constantine’s mother, discovered the relic of the “True Cross” of Christ’s Crucifixion in 326 C.E.
The visiting hours during April-September are between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m. except on Sundays when it closes at 8 p.m.; one can visit the church from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. during October-March. You can avoid the long winding queue at the church by sending a prayer request.

The Garden Tomb

Garden Tomb

The discovery of The Garden Tomb dates back to 1867. Some Christians consider the site to be an alternate location of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The Garden is referred to in the Bible as Golgotha or “Calvary”, it comprises a rock formation similar to the shape of a skull. The site is an ideal choice for prayer and reflection. There are places for visitors to take rest, drinking water and other facilities, and wheelchair access. The site is of utmost importance to both Evangelical and Protestant Christians. The Tomb gained Biblical prominence when General Charles Gordon (also known as Gordon of Khartoum)  discovered the site in 1883. According to archaeologists, the tombs can be traced back to the 7th to 5th centuries BCE. Visitors can explore the place throughout the week from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 a.m. to noon and 2-5.30 p.m. Alternatively, you can send a prayer request.

Church of All Nations

In 1924, the Church of All Nations, also known as the Basilica of the Agony, was constructed on the remains of a 4th-century basilica and a chapel built by the Crusaders in the 12th century. The church is located at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem alongside the Garden of Gethsemane facing the walls of the Old City. The bubble-domed roof gives the structure a distinct Byzantine appearance. A magnificent mosaic spread across a row of Corinthian columns depicts Christ as an intermediary between God and humankind. The church marks the place where Christ prayed on a section of the bedrock in the Garden of Gethsemane on the eve of his arrest and crucifixion.
The site is open to visitors from 8 a.m. to noon and 2-6 p.m. Visiting hours are until 5 p.m. between October and March.
If time constraints or other factors act as a deterrent for you to physically visit the place, you can always send a prayer request to Jerusalem to this holy site.


Abbey of the Dormition

The name “Dormition” means “coma”, and the neo-Romanesque monastic church located on Mount Zion commemorates the Virgin Mary’s “eternal sleep” and ascension to heaven. In the early 20th century, the complex was constructed over the ruins of a Byzantine church; hence, it is also known as Hagia-Maria-Sion Abbey. In 1898, German emperor Wilhelm II built the church on a piece of land received from the Ottoman sultan during his visit to the Holy Land. In 1910, the church was inaugurated and stands out as a major landmark with its round shape, lead-covered conical roof, four turrets, and bell tower.
The site is open to visitors from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sundays and from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m on Working days.
Alternatively, you can always send a prayer request.

St. Peter’s Church

The church, built in 1931, is located on the eastern slope of Mount Zion outside the Old City of Jerusalem. The site is believed to be the palace of the High Priest Caiaphas and the place where Christ was arrested and imprisoned. It commemorates the triple denial of Christ’s apostle Peter, his repentance, and reconciliation with Jesus after the Resurrection. You can visit the church at the following times: from Mon-Fri: 8am to 11.45am, 3pm to 5pm. Sunday 3pm to 5pm.

Or send a prayer request online and we will deliver the prayer on your behalf.



Sprinkles of Jesus’ are Reconciliations – Second article

Sprinkles of Jesus’ are Reconciliations – Second article

Our ways of reaching Reconciliation and Salvation are combined. In Christianity, both are essential and can be reached in several ways. This article is the second one to demonstrate the ways of achieving these goals.

According to Mathew 5:23-24,

“So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift”.

Reconciliation is an extremely important aspect of the life of any Christian. It is like Jesus’ sprinkles of heavenly wisdom.

For any Christian seeking reconciliation, the following are some of the most important points to consider:

Be willing to admit ways you might have contributed to the problem

Even if you did not start the dispute, your lack of understanding, careless words, impatience, or failure to respond in a loving manner may have aggravated the situation. The best way to overcome this tendency is to prayerfully examine your role in the conflict and then write down everything you have done or failed to do that may have been a factor.

Be objective about your hesitancy

Perhaps you have good reasons for being hesitant to reconcile, but they must be objectively stated.

Be clear about the guidelines for restoration

Establish clear guidelines for healing.

Be alert to Satan’s schemes

In Ephesians 4:27, Paul warns about the possibility of giving Satan an opportunity in our lives. Significantly, this warning is given in the context of unchecked anger.

“and give no opportunity to the devil”.

Be mindful of God’s control

As the apostle, Paul wrote,

“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Cor 10:13)

Be realistic about the process

Change often requires time and hard work. Periodic failure by an offender does not always indicate an unrepentant heart. Behavior patterns often run in deep channels. They can place a powerful grip on a person’s life. A key indicator of change is the attitude of the offender.

Jesus gives us on his Ceremony on the Mountain these keys. We have the option to use them and open the doors for Salvation.

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What do we know about resurrection?

What Do We Know About Resurrection?

When thinking about resurrection in Christianity, the first thing that comes to most of the believers’ minds are the events that happened in Jerusalem around 30-33 AD.

The Christian belief that Jesus will return and bring His followers back to life stems from extensive accounts,

  • found in the Four Gospels of the New Testament, about the resurrection of Christ that happened three days after His crucifixion and burial.
  • The gospels’ narratives of many incidents where Jesus appeared to over 500 people in the 40 days after His death
  • The events of nine other resurrections with eyewitness accounts.


The opponents say

Over the years, many theories have surfaced because of some inconsistencies in the accounts, such as beliefs that

  • – Jesus had only temporarily lost consciousness, or
  • – the Apostles had stolen His body from the grave, but these theories are easily disputed by the overwhelming abundance of matching events in the gospels, which assert the belief of Jesus being resurrected.


What that matter is…

In the end, despite the ongoing efforts of scientist and historians to find factual information, it’s not really a matter of proving or disproving the event, because it transcends these matters with its meaning.

Resurrection is not only a testament to God’s power over life and death but:

– A symbol of the unification of body and soul.

– An example of justice and salvation for those who had humbled themselves and followed God’s word.

Ultimately, it means the unification of Christ and His followers.

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Love, how many ways do we have to love?

Love, How Many Ways Do We Have To Love?

What has Jesus taught his disciples about love?

In the Gospel according to Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus said,

“But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax-gatherers do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect”.

Is there a new way to love our enemies?

Pray for your enemies

Praying for your enemy opens you up to the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart.

Forgive your enemies

Loving your enemy does not mean:

  • You have to add them to your Christmas list, or
  • make them your best friend, or
  • excuse their actions

it means you forgive them, with the knowledge that God is both merciful and just.

How would you feel?

Loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you is liberating. You can find yourself in pitched battles with the people who hate you, always seeking the upper hand, always noting who’s up and who’s down, and always analyzing every slight. Praying for them can make you feel even better and change your attitude towards them.

So what Jesus is telling us is hard, but it’s not impossible. And it’s necessary, too, because ultimately he is inviting us not only to forgiveness and charity but to something else: freedom and happiness

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Where was Jesus for three days?

Where was Jesus for three days?

Or should we start with the question – what happened to Jesus while he was dead?

The Bible is not clear or rather does not give a chronology of events, of what happened to Jesus after his death and before the resurrection. This article will attempt, using biblical records, to look at what happened during those days.

Paradise and spiritual beings

Jesus Christ headed His spirit to the Father, died physically, and entered paradise,

“Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

However, at some time between His death and resurrection, it is recorded that Jesus Christ also visited a place where He delivered a message to spirit beings. This might have been fallen angels, according to Jude 1:6.

“And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day”

Records also show that these beings were somehow also related to the period before Noah’s time, according to 1st Peter 3:20

“to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built”

Peter does not, however, tell us what Jesus Christ said to the fallen angels, but this could not have been a message of salvation. According to Hebrews 2:16 “For surely it is not angels he helps,” to say that angels can’t be saved.  But as recorded in 1st Peter 3:22 “who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.” and Colossians 2:15,

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross”.

He might have declared His victory over Satan.

The Captives and the Saints

According to Ephesians 4:8-10, and quoting Psalms 68:18, Paul says that “when He ascended on high, he took many captives”. This may mean that Jesus gathered all the redeemed who were there and took them to their permanent dwelling in heaven.

Jesus had supported the saints and brought them to their eternal home. It is during this period that he also proclaimed victory over the fallen angels who are in prison.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.



Jesus knew he had to be in Jerusalem, he knew he must be killed and resurrect. In this article, we will review the events.

Most of our knowledge about Jesus comes from the apostles and therefore we are bringing here the highlights.

Jesus is giving his disciples a detailed review of the upcoming events:

According to the book of Matthew:

“From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life”. (16:21)

After the crucifixion – Jesus was crucified and died at noon. Upon his death, an earthquake struck the area:

“And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city,” (27:52-53)

Joseph of Arimathea was keen to ensure that the corpse was buried according to the Jewish law, put the body in a new shroud and buried his body in the tomb just before sunset (27:57-60).

Women who followed Jesus had carried and prepared spices for anointing the body of Jesus Christ, and before they went to rest on the weekly Sabbath day, they made sure his tomb was sealed.

“And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulcher” (27:61)

The Resurrection

Then the body of Jesus Christ was in the tomb for three days and nights, and near sunset, he rose with the promise of bringing salvation to humankind.

The women that prepared the spices arrived early in the morning and found that Jesus had already risen,

“And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified” (28:5).

Jesus met his eleven disciples and sent them to us, to the world, with his promise

“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (28:19)

With these last words, we have the legacy of Jesus regarding our Salvation and his all-time presence.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

Cremation, how is it connected to the Holy Land?

Cremation, how is it connected to the Holy Land?

Cremation, how is it connected to the Holy Land

One of the main issues of humanity is related to land and, in the modern era, the lack of it. Real-estate is a pressing issue, especially in the urban areas around the world. As a result, more and more families are looking for new solutions and new traditions regarding their accommodation. But while we are looking for solutions for the living, we should also look for new spaces for the deceased, as well as new methods.

Traditions and solutions

In most of the Western countries, the most popular method is the burial. Some families are buried in mausoleums, which is a structure where there is room for coffins and personal belongings. It is also where generations of the same family can rest in peace together. Some families can’t afford these buildings and are buried in the same cemetery plots for generations. But as the world population is at its peak, burial becomes an issue. In some of the largest cemeteries, there are vacant spaces only for the next 40-50 years.

But why is burial the common solution? There are two apparent reasons:

The first one is the lack of other available options, and the second one is the Christian tradition and the change in the Catholic canon law.

Only in the late 19th century, a professor from Italy perfected the cremation model. Once this solution became available, it began to spread across Europe and North America. In the USA, by the beginning of the 20th century, there were around 20 crematories. By the end of the century, there were over 2,000 crematories.

Revised Canon Law

Even though cremation was available for Catholic Christians since the middle of the 20th century, its full regulations became clear only last year.

According to the new guidelines, the main concern is the memory of the deceased and keep him as part of the community. This concern is met at best with burial in a cemetery, and therefore other solutions, such as cremation or burial in private locations, are less common.

At the beginning of this article, we found out that burial has turned out to be an issue demanding of new solutions. With the revised canon law, cremation is a new solution that brings with it even further outcomes.

 New Traditions

As part of the growing movement of cremation, new traditions are rising. One of them is sending ashes to sacred places, such as the Holy Land. Officials in Israel are stating that this is a growing movement, which increases in popularity by thousands every year. Most of the families have no relatives in Israel, but a wish to be closer to Jesus and his legacy.

In Israel import and burial are allowed, this rule is in accordance with the Catholic canon law, which forbids scattering the ashes. Today, a family can have a local and personal ceremony, and afterward, send the Urn to the Holy Land to place it for its final rest in a sacred and secure place. Such a service is available in the Salvation Garden,

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

Relationship in the eyes of Christianity

Relationship in the eyes of Christianity

Christianity is a religion that revolves around relationships. In the New Testament, the authors of the four Gospels go out of their way to show how Jesus interacted with humanity. To fully understand how critical relationships are in Christianity, you need to examine how Jesus related to his family, followers and his disciplines.

Jesus and his family

As the Gospels open with the birth of Jesus, you realize that He was born in an ordinary family and had brothers and sisters who did not always believe in Him. In one instance, his family members even tried to take charge of him thinking that he was out of his mind.
Mark 3:21 says, when his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” Even though his own siblings did not always believe he was the Son of God, he was very patient with them and never insulted them.

Jesus and his disciples

Jesus had a very close relationship with his disciples. He was their friend, confidant, and teacher. In Luke 12:4 Jesus refers to his disciples as friends.

“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.” (Luke 12:4).

Good friends confide in each other. Jesus confided in his disciples during trying moments. Just before his arrest and crucifixion, he opened up to them about his emotional turmoil. This is how Matthew captures that moment in Matthew 26:36-38

“Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to His disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”
And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and distressed.
Then He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with me.”

Jesus and his followers

Jesus not only interacted with his disciplines but he also spent time with his friends. John 12 1-2

“Jesus, therefore, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
So they made Him a supper there, and Martha was serving, but Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with Him.”

In the above text, John takes the time to show that Jesus took the time to interact and dine with his followers and friends such as Lazarus, Mary and Martha.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

How can you prepare for anything? Is it possible?

How can you prepare for anything? Is it possible?

The Bible tells us that we are in a conflict and Satan is doing everything he can to make you fail. In 1 Thessalonians 5:6, we learn that we should not sleep as others do, “So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober”.

But how can you prepare for anything?

What can we learn from Jesus?

The very act of becoming Christians put us in unfamiliar territories. Christ has called his followers to stop seeking earthly riches as in Matthew 6:19,

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal”.

He also tells us not to worry about the future as in Luke 12:22

“Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear”.

We should also live sacrificially to seek the good of others as in Matthew 22:39

“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself”.

All these run contrary to what the world demands of us as Christians. Christianity offers ways to prepare ourselves, and they include:


If you wish to know what God wants, you have to begin by asking in prayer. He will lead and guide you to a place of peace and safety. Our prayer requests should be to learn the will of God.


We have to listen to the voice of God so that we can know and do God’s will.


Saint Paul teaches us to watch and be ready. We should watch with joy and gladness.


The kinds of things we need to store are those things that feed our light within.


Even though God does not expect us to be perfect, we should make sure that each day we are a little better than the previous day.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.


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