Cremation, how is it connected to the Holy Land?

Cremation, how is it connected to the Holy Land?

Cremation, how is it connected to the Holy Land

One of the main issues of humanity is related to land and, in the modern era, the lack of it. Real-estate is a pressing issue, especially in the urban areas around the world. As a result, more and more families are looking for new solutions and new traditions regarding their accommodation. But while we are looking for solutions for the living, we should also look for new spaces for the deceased, as well as new methods.

Traditions and solutions

In most of the Western countries, the most popular method is the burial. Some families are buried in mausoleums, which is a structure where there is room for coffins and personal belongings. It is also where generations of the same family can rest in peace together. Some families can’t afford these buildings and are buried in the same cemetery plots for generations. But as the world population is at its peak, burial becomes an issue. In some of the largest cemeteries, there are vacant spaces only for the next 40-50 years.

But why is burial the common solution? There are two apparent reasons:

The first one is the lack of other available options, and the second one is the Christian tradition and the change in the Catholic canon law.

Only in the late 19th century, a professor from Italy perfected the cremation model. Once this solution became available, it began to spread across Europe and North America. In the USA, by the beginning of the 20th century, there were around 20 crematories. By the end of the century, there were over 2,000 crematories.

Revised Canon Law

Even though cremation was available for Catholic Christians since the middle of the 20th century, its full regulations became clear only last year.

According to the new guidelines, the main concern is the memory of the deceased and keep him as part of the community. This concern is met at best with burial in a cemetery, and therefore other solutions, such as cremation or burial in private locations, are less common.

At the beginning of this article, we found out that burial has turned out to be an issue demanding of new solutions. With the revised canon law, cremation is a new solution that brings with it even further outcomes.

 New Traditions

As part of the growing movement of cremation, new traditions are rising. One of them is sending ashes to sacred places, such as the Holy Land. Officials in Israel are stating that this is a growing movement, which increases in popularity by thousands every year. Most of the families have no relatives in Israel, but a wish to be closer to Jesus and his legacy.

In Israel import and burial are allowed, this rule is in accordance with the Catholic canon law, which forbids scattering the ashes. Today, a family can have a local and personal ceremony, and afterward, send the Urn to the Holy Land to place it for its final rest in a sacred and secure place. Such a service is available in the Salvation Garden,

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