Powerful Morning Prayer for Family and Friends

Powerful Morning Prayer for Family and Friends

Powerful Morning Prayer for Family and Friends

Prayer has the same importance for the soul as food has for the body. Thus, prayers have assumed a crucial role in the lives of humans. We have covered some of the best morning prayer messages in this article for you, your friends, and family members. Let us now cover them one by one.

1. Prayer for a New Day

Dear God,

Today is a new day and an opportunity for a new beginning. Now that yesterday is over, all our failures, mistakes, or regrets are gone too. It is a perfect day to give thanks and be happy. Lord, I thank you today for the chance to live, love, and care for my family and friends. May I be the person you wish me to be! Amen.

2. Morning Prayer for Blessings

Dear Lord,

As I start each day, there is a new chance to recognize your power above everything else. May our hearts be enlightened so that we not only see you but also observe how you influence our lives! Offer us wisdom to make the best decisions in every situation. May we always have the desire to seek you and love you more than everything else on this planet! Let your power and spirit breathe in us new and fresh.

Thank you for being mightier than anything else I may face during the day. You are our lasting and true strength irrespective of what we could be up against. Let us pray today and every day that your peace may show my dear ones the right path. We request your grace and blessings. My family and friends need you and love you, dear God. Amen.

3. Prayer for Healing

O King of Kings,

I pray that you and I become inseparable from today. Please guide us to select only your way and let each step take us closer to you. You are the only one who can help and teach me and my loved one to keep our souls undivided and pure always. Save us from our distracting and careless actions, words, and thoughts. You can only protect us from getting distracted by our desires and wants. Please help us adjust to whatever comes our way as a chance instead of treating it as a personal inconvenience.

Last, but not the least, may we never lose our faith and trust in you. You know the right way for us though we may mess up things and take the wrong path. We realize and appreciate that your love is unconditional and not selfish. You do not care for us based on how we perform. I know your love for me and my dear ones will never diminish come what may be.

I find that amazing. However, the most surprising thing is that you being the savior of this universe would want to spend some time with me every morning. God, help me to remember that it is a priceless gift to be with you every morning. Amen.

4. Powerful Morning Prayer

Dear God,

As a new day begins, please fill us with your divine spirit. No matter where we go, let there be joy, love, faithfulness, and goodness within us and all around. I pray to you to make us more like you and stay close to you.

May we continue to worship you always and in everything we do. Let us desire all these emotions much more than the wickedness and sin that allures us from time to time. We are thankful for your presence by my side. I pray in the name of your only son Christ. Amen.

About The Salvation Garden

If you are in pursuit of a prayer community to deliver your good morning prayer to Jerusalem, you have come to the right place. The Salvation Garden will be more than happy to help you send your prayer for the morning to a church in Jerusalem. We aim to assist thousands of followers access the holy sites in Jerusalem without traveling.

We will take your morning prayer Catholic to Israel after you fill out your prayer request online. Also, you can choose your preferred church from our website. We will confirm once we deliver your morning prayer to Jerusalem. While we do not charge any fee for this service, any donation is welcome to meet our travel expenses.

5 Easter Prayers to Feel Blessed this Holy Day

5 Easter Prayers to Feel Blessed this Holy Day

5 Easter Prayers to Feel Blessed this Holy Day

You could be already making plans for Easter this year. We suggest you keep these beautiful Easter prayers close to you as they will be reminders of the reason for our rejoicing in 2022 – Christ’s resurrection.

You could be thinking about other brilliant Easter basket ideas for your little ones. spiritual Prayers should be an integral part of your Easter celebration in 2022. Some of these prayers are also perfect for sharing with your children to teach them more about this Christian holiday, rather than just eating candies and hunting for Easter eggs.

These five prayers are thoughtfully and beautifully written and will make a significant addition to Easter day for your family. Let these prayers be ways to share your appreciation and gratitude for the blessings and good things in your life.

1. Thanking God for Jesus’ Resurrection

Dear Lord,
We thank you for your only Son, Jesus Christ’s resurrection. We wish to celebrate Him on each day of our lives. The world is growing darker with every passing day. So, guide us for holding His light and glory. May we have the courage to speak boldly and with a deep conviction of what is right always. Help us so that we never feel shy about declaring your news. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

2. Thanking God for His Protection 

Dear God,
The times are scary, and headlines bring troubling and sad news every day. We also know that if we dwell on these things too much, we would lose our hopes and courage. We thank you for protecting us always and for those blessed promises of yours. We believe that nothing can take your love for us.

We also realize that Christ got the His ultimate victory at the cross. Jesus is our only hope and is always there to help us when in trouble. We do not have anything to fear and thank you for that. Amen.

3. Prayer for Praising God’s Presence and Power

Almighty Lord,
I praise you for your purpose, presence, and power in my life. I also take this opportunity to admit my unwillingness and unbelief to move forward steadily when there seems to be no hope. Oh God, pour your spirit on me and let your resurrecting power be there in the lives of my dear ones and on me. I pray in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.

4. Prayer to Help in Resisting Temptations and Controlling Thoughts

O King of Kings,
Let me focus only on you at every moment and every day, but particularly on this Easter Sunday 2022. Please support me to control the temptation to dwell upon the painful things in my life. Bless me so that I know the way to control my painful thoughts and my joy and faith in you remain intact. Amen.

5. Prayer for Christ to Be Always There 

Dear God,
I pray at this joyous time of the year to bring happiness and peace to me and all those who are the closest to me. I sing your glory and urge you to let Christ our savior be always there by my side and bless me, and my loved ones abundantly. I request you to be my loving guide always. Amen.

About The Salvation Garden 

The Salvation Garden understands the significance of an Easter prayer in your life. We are a prayer community that works selflessly to ensure that your Easter prayer Catholic and other prayers are delivered to your chosen holy site in Jerusalem.

Fill out your prayer request on the website, and our team members will travel to the Holy Land to deliver your prayer. You do not have to pay for this service, but your donations to meet our travel and other expenses will be welcome.

Good Friday Prayers: Give Thanks and Glory to Jesus Christ

Good Friday Prayers: Give Thanks and Glory to Jesus Christ

Good Friday Prayers

Good Friday is around the corner, and what better way to connect to our Lord other than playing religiously. We have listed some beautiful Good Friday prayers below to thank Jesus Christ, our savior. All these Good Friday prayers for 2022 will help your mind and heart appreciate the sacrifices made by Christ for our redemption.

1. Prayer for Asking Pardon for Our Sins

Dear Father,
You are the most merciful creator who also created us anew through the profound passion of your Son Jesus Christ. You know how weak and vulnerable we are and are unable to do good acts by ourselves. We urge you to grant us your heavenly blessing and grace so that we can do everything to your glory and honor no matter what work we engage in.

Please make us stay away from sin and empower us to indulge in noble works for our entire lifetime. May we always do service to you as long as we are alive! When we depart, pardon us from our sins and greet us to eternal life. Amen.

2. Prayer to Thank Christ for His Sacrifice 

O Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the only Son of our living God and came down on this planet from heaven from the side of your Father. You had to suffer as many as five wounds when you were brutally crucified. Christ, our savior, you had to shed your blood so that we receive forgiveness for all our sins.

We pray that you whisper those beautiful words of blessings in our ears on judgment day. You reign and live with the Father and the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.

3. Prayer to Make Us Courageous and Learn from Jesus’ Sacrifice  

Dear Jesus, 
You are our God and Lord forever. You offered your cheek to all those cruel people who struck you so badly. You had to endure so much anguish and mockery for our sins. May we learn from your ultimate sufferings and be courageous always and learn from your sacrifices. You are lowly in heart and meek. Now you reign with the Holy Spirit, the Father, and Lord forever and ever. Amen.

4. Prayer for Forgiveness 

Dear Lord,
We remember Jesus today as he had to go through so much suffering and pain on the cross. Christ, our savior, readily endured the ultimate agony so that we could be free. He had to make such a great sacrifice by offering His life so that we can enjoy eternal life.

May we never take this priceless gift for granted! Please guide us to remember the price of it all. Pardon us for getting distracted with the mundane things in our lives, and forgive us as we had been too busy. Sometimes we forget what you had done for us and take you for granted.

Today, we thank you for healing us through your wounds. Thank you as we can live free because of your sacrifice. We also thank you to allow us to now say with positivity that “It is finished.” We know what we can expect because death does not have the same sting now. We pray in the name of Jesus, your only Son. Amen.

5. Prayer to Acknowledge Christ’s Anguish 

O blessed Christ!
You are the most victorious, King immortal, and the mightiest lion for us. We remember your sorrow on this day when you suffered so much. It was on this day when all the powers of your body and heart failed you entirely. You uttered those all-important words “It is finished.” It is the day to remember your sorrow and anguish, blessed Christ. Please shower me with your mercy when I will take my last breath. Amen.

About The Salvation Garden 

Contact The Salvation Garden if you wish to send your Good Friday Prayer to one of the holy churches of Jerusalem without traveling all the way. We are a prayer community intending to make sure that you can send your prayer for Good Friday 2022 to the Holy Land in a hassle-free manner.

You can go to our website and write your Good Friday morning prayer and choose the holy site where we have to deliver it. Our dedicated team members will travel to Jerusalem and deliver all your prayers to your chosen church. We do not charge for this noble service but will welcome your contributions to meet our travel and other miscellaneous expenses.

5 Powerful Prayers to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

5 Powerful Prayers to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

5 Powerful Prayers to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

We live in a world where crazy things happen all the time. These may include national and cross-border problems, corruption, family problems, stress at the workplace, businesses closing, and so on. It is natural to feel anxious and fearful from time to time as life is so uncertain. There is no surety of what is going to happen tomorrow.

However, if we offer prayers to overcome fear and anxiety, we will experience a blissful and calm state of mind. So, check out these five powerful prayers to overcome your fear and anxiety.

1. Prayer to Banish Misplaced Anxiety and Fright

Dear Heavenly Father,
I am aware of how natural it is to be concerned about other people’s opinions. However, you wish me to live according to your truth always. I should do away with misplaced fear and anxiety. You want me to be brave while facing my ordeals. I know you are always there to help me out and want me not to fear anyone.

Lord, I trust you completely and will not surrender before my anguish. I will not lead my life in terror, fear, or anxiety. Amen.

2. Prayer to Avoid Future Worries 

Dear Lord,
There are times when I know I worry excessively and fuss about even the tiniest of things, such as, what I should wear, what to eat, and so on. The worst part is that I even worry about what will happen in the future. I understand how foolish it is to worry about something that does not even exist now.

Jesus, I pray that I never worry about my future. You have not offered me the grace for bearing upon future concerns. I will avoid worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow from now onwards, my Lord. Amen.

3. Share Your Anxious Thoughts with Christ

Dear Jesus,
I feel gratitude for your ultimate sacrifice on the cross for our welfare and to ensure that we have true freedom. Sometimes, I am fearful and full of anxiety when I do not focus on you, Christ.

My Savior, please show me how to eliminate all my anxieties. You realize how easy it is to give away worry and fear, but I know that you can take care of all my concerns. I urge you to love me forever. Amen.

4. Take Your Concerns and Fears to God

Dear God,
I often feel that I take all my worries and concerns to all places except you. I am aware you hear me King of Kings when I share my fear with you. I also know you care a lot about the difficulties I am going through in my life now.

I also believe you want me to have a clear mind always. So, pardon me if I let my anxiety block my thinking. Please make me take all my concerns to you in all circumstances. Let me start believing in your power to intervene and show me the right path. I will be grateful for your kindness and love, dear Father. Amen.

5. Remembering That Our Lord Does Not Create Fear or Anxiety 

King of Kings,
I believe you do not bring anxiety and concerns into my life. That is the realm of Satan because he gets pleasure in causing pain to your children. You are not the tormentor as you can never cause us any kind of pain or anguish. You want peace in everyone’s life.

Please help me believe in your power when there is anxiety and fear in my life. Help me believe that you are faithful and love all your children. Guide me to banish my anxieties with trust and positivity instead of having destructive thoughts. Bring peace to my mind so that I can lead a normal life. Amen.

About The Salvation Garden

The Salvation Garden realizes the power of prayer to overcome fear from your mind. We also appreciate your wish to offer a prayer to remove fear and anxiety in the Holy Land. You can now fill out our online prayer request form to offer a prayer to overcome anxiety and fear to a holy church in Jerusalem.

The best part is you need not even step out of your homes as our team members will physically deliver all your prayers to your chosen site in the Holy Land. We do not charge for this pious service but welcome your donations for meeting the sundry expenses.

5 Most Powerful Prayers for Overcoming Depression

5 Most Powerful Prayers for Overcoming Depression

5 Most Powerful Prayers for Overcoming Depression

Depression figures have gone up by leaps and bounds, especially after the global pandemic. Human beings are currently going through some of the gloomiest times. People worldwide are struggling as their friends and families are battling the deadly virus, political unrest, an increase in unemployment, and homeschooling.

However, if you feel down and depressed, you must remember that you are not the only person to experience such emotions. Do not hesitate to reach out to your family members, friend circles, and your church.

It is interesting to note that depression is not always easy to understand as it affects different people differently. There is a possibility that you cannot function properly, feel numb, or leading life with heaviness on your shoulders. However, prayers for depression have a magical power to lift your spirits. The following are some of the most powerful prayers to overcome your depression:

1. Prayer for Depression

Dear Lord,
We pray to you for the well-being of all those people who are going through deep depression and are struggling to remain sane and composed. We urge upon you to provide them a ray of hope and be positive so that they can start leading a peaceful and happy life. While we do not know the exact circumstances of their grief and disturbances, you, Heavenly Father, know everything.

We have great faith and hope that you can heal our sadness, revive and pull us from deep despair and depression. Thank you for offering us that glimmer of hope, positivity, and wisdom through your son Christ. Amen.

2. Prayer to Overcome Weakness

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help me to overcome our weaknesses and depression. Pull me out from my state of deep depression, which is making me weak, helpless, and nonfunctional. While this is a disturbing phase of my life, I am hopeful that you will take care of me and my loved ones always. Lord, shower us with your unselfish love and blessings. I pray that you make my heart bigger so that I can always obey you and care for others even more deeply. Amen.

3. Prayer for Strength

Dear Christ,
We are thankful to you for your unconditional love. My heart appears heavy today as I struggle with my sorrow and depression. Christ, I request you to make me a stronger person and banish my anguish. Please whisper encouraging words to make me courageous and more confident.

Show me positivity even within this inner struggle I am going through. Make me strong enough to surrender all my confusion and trust you fully with a sense of positive outcome.

Jesus, you are my creator and know me better than even how much I know myself. You are also fully aware of my capabilities and weaknesses. I thank you for your peace, wisdom, love, and strength during this trying phase of my life. Amen.

4. Prayer for Positivity during Depression

Dear Father,
I thank you for loving me so unconditionally! Please support me whenever I feel depressed and lose focus in my work and personal life. Permit me to experience your glory, my Lord! Be my side always as I pray and praise your glory. Please make me a stronger individual and let this cloud of depression pass soon. Make me a positive and better human being full of love and empathy in the name of Jesus. Amen.

5. Prayer for Release from Depression

Heavenly Father,
I need your help and support. My soul requests to get a release from my depression and get restored to a normal life going forward. Show me the anabolic steriods for sale right steps to follow so that I can come out of this dark time. Dear Lord, I trust you wholeheartedly to help me by offering deliverance from depression. Be my side always and shower me with your unconditional affection. Amen.

About The Salvation Garden

Submit your prayer for anxiety and depression to the Holy Land without stepping out of your homes! We, The Salvation Garden, will send your Catholic prayer for depression to Jerusalem’s holy churches. You need to fill out an online prayer request form and choose the church where you want the prayer against depression to be physically delivered. We do not charge for our services but welcome your donations to meet our travel expenses.

Why Do Christians Celebrate the Feast of St Colette of Corbie and St John Joseph of the Cross in March?

Why Do Christians Celebrate the Feast of St Colette of Corbie and St John Joseph of the Cross in March?

Celebrate the Feast of St Colette of Corbie and St John Joseph of the Cross in March

The month of March is significant for Christians because of two special feast days – the Feast of St Colette of Corbie and the Feast of St John of the Cross. Read on to know more about these saints and the festivities that are observed on these two days.

Feast of St. Colette of Corbie

The Feast of St. Colette falls on March 6 every year in memory of the unifier and reformer of the Church. Followers remember St. Colette for her holiness as she accomplished several extraordinary things in the name of God during her lifetime.

Her parents were close to 60 when she was born but they died when she was 17-year-old. Her father was a well-known carpenter and was famous throughout France. People believe that her mother had conceived her after offering prayers to St. Nicholas, the patron of kids. Although her guardian wanted to marry her, Colette was attracted to religious life.

Saint Colette reminds us that suffering and struggles can eventually lead to conversion and redemption. She visited innumerable convents and faced abuse, slander, and abuse. The saint was even alleged of sorcery, but she gained sympathizers finally.

People remember the saint for her unconditional allegiance to Christ’s Passion and affection for animals. The saint fasted every Friday and even had ecstasies after getting the Holy Communion. She had forecasted the date of her death.

Celebrating the Special Day

The saint is a patron saint for pregnant women and couples who wish to conceive. She is a miracle child and is said to have performed miracles on several occasions, which were related to children when she was alive. Believers celebrate March 6, her feast day, with a little fast and pray in her honor.

Feast of St John Joseph of the Cross

The Feast of Saint John Joseph of the Cross falls on March 5 every year in the memory of this holy saint. The saint was just 16-year-old when he joined Franciscans. He followed Asceticism, meaning practicing a lifestyle devoid of sensual pleasures for attaining the spiritual goals in his life.

He was the first Italian who followed St Peter Alcantara’s reform movement so that the order could become a staunch follower of austerity and atonement. The saint had an excellent reputation for holiness during his lifetime.

When his term as a provincial ended, he spent his time practicing mortification and hearing confessions. Saint John Joseph of the Cross was blessed with the gifts of healing and prophecy. He would faint into ecstasies on several occasions and known to bi-locate.

How is the Feast Celebrated Every Year?

The saint is honored every year on March 5 but the festivities on the roads of Ischia Ponte were observed on the first Sunday of every September for four days at a stretch. These days, the churches are decorated beautifully and special Masses are held. People carry the relic of the saint in procession through the city streets. You will also come across fireworks shows on this feast day.

About The Salvation Garden

Prayers are an integral part of any feast day, and The Salvation Garden can help you in this. We open the gates for Christians all over the planet by providing direct access to the holy sites of Jerusalem. You can now submit your prayer on our website. We will physically place your prayer in your selected site for worship in the Holy Land.

We provide digital documentation for each prayer for you to connect to the Holy Land while sitting at your house. If you cannot visit the Holy Land for any physical or financial issues, we are here for you. We do not charge for our services but your donations are always welcome to meet our expenses.

Dealing with Church Damage

Dealing with Church Damage

Dealing with Church Damage

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Isaiah 43:2

All over the world, churches have been time and again struck by calamities. Fires that burned churches down, hailstorms and tornados that blew the roof off the churches, earthquakes that damaged the foundation and shootings and killings that took many lives. It is heart breaking to see churches face such tragedies. Especially now when a global pandemic is ravaging cities, it is having a telling effect on churches. People are scared to go to churches because they are afraid that they may exposed to the virus from infected people. It has forced the churches to close for weeks and even months as the cases increase and even evolve into variants.

All these obstacles have challenged us to humble ourselves and surrender to God whatever situation we face. Seeking God’s voice in these times has helped the churches grow into trusting God more. Whatever storms the church faces, it will pass. God’s mercy is still upon the whole church because in the end, the church is not just the building alone, it is each and every Christian. Church buildings may face tragedy but the real church is the person who builds his or her life in the foundation of faith in God. There may have been trials and situations that have challenged the churches greatly, but the Lord is our Help and Fortress. You just need to learn to see things from a different perspective and see that God has a purpose in every church and the trials faced by it.

A shift in our paradigm or our thinking is a must when we know how impossible our situation is and how difficult it is to change it. Rather than murmuring or complaining about what your situation is, learn to seek God and pray to strengthen your mind and your heart to be at peace. It may not be easy to face each situation of every church but remember that God gives the strength to overcome and all you need to do is to trust that in the end, it will all glorify God. Always remember that there is a purpose behind everything.

As Psalm 32:7-8 says, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” God will protect each and every one of us from trouble and even our churches where we gather. God’s unfailing love will wrap every church to do the purpose He has intended for each church to do. Not even this COVID-19 virus can stop God from working in the midst of His people.

The Salvation Garden opens the gates for you and Christians around the world, offering you direct access to the Holy Churches of Jerusalem. The pandemic has restricted a lot of people from coming to the Holy Land to pray and see God’s Promised Land. If you cannot visit the Holy Land for any reason, we are here for you. If you want to pray for your church, your family, or your personal prayers, you can submit your prayer online, and our team members will physically place it in the chosen worship site in the Holy Land as we offer digital documentation for each prayer. Send your prayers now! We would love to pray for you.

Significance of the Feast of the Epiphany

Significance of the Feast of the Epiphany

Significance of the Feast of the Epiphany

Epiphany, Three Kings’ Day, Theophany, or the Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated every year, on January 6 – Twelve days after Christmas. Some Orthodox Churches celebrate it on January 19 every year as they have Christmas on January 7. It is that time of the year when Christians think of the Three Wise Men who visited Christ. Epiphany is also the feast that marks the end of Christmas.

Some churches use the occasion to recall the day when the baptism of Christ took place at the age of 30. It was also the day when he began to preach to people about God. The word Epiphany means “revelation” and Christ’s baptism and the Wise Men’s visit are both landmark occasions when he was “revealed.”

Some churches use the day to remember and celebrate the baptism of Jesus and the Wise Men’s visit. Orthodox Christians and Catholics mainly commemorate the occasion. In fact, for Orthodox churches, the day is as significant as Christmas.

Epiphany is celebrated on the feast day and its eve by blessing the water. This blessed water is also used in church services throughout the year. Churches also baptize people on this holy day. A priest uses this water to bless people’s houses in the church after the service. However, it may take some days for the priest to complete this activity.

History of Epiphany

The Eastern Church started the festival when it commemorated the birth of Christ for the first time. However, by 354, the birth of Christ was being celebrated every year on December 25.

In the 4th century AD, the Roman Church started celebrating the festival on January 6. It was an era when the Church started celebrating Epiphany and Christmas as separate feasts.

On the other hand, the Western Church commemorates the day with the visit made to the infant Christ by the Magi. This visit is seen as proof that the Jewish Messiah, Christ, arrived on the planet for salvation.

How is Epiphany Celebrated?

The evening that precedes Epiphany is known as Twelfth Night. Also, the period between Christmas and Epiphany is called the Twelve Days of Christmas. Many countries celebrate the day with delicious special pastries. Kids often get tiny gifts in their shoes in memory of the gifts of the Magi to the infant Christ.

The day also features several traditions, including water as a symbol of Christ’s baptism. Holy water is used for blessing the houses of the believers. Epiphany is an important festival in Spain. The country refers to the occasion as “The festival of the Three Magic Kings.” It is the day when the people of Spain and some other Catholic kids get their presents, which the Three Kings deliver to them.

People flock to the local bakeries on Epiphany morning in Spain and purchase a special pastry/cake called a “Roscon.” These pastries are filled with chocolate or cream, and a paper crown is used to decorate them.

About The Salvation Garden

Prayers form an integral part of any Christian festival, and the feast of the epiphany 2022 is not an exception to that. The Salvation Garden is a prayer community that understands the importance of delivering your prayers to the Holy Land.

The three-step procedure you have to follow is pretty straightforward. You need to fill out the prayer for epiphany and choose churches in the Holy Land. We will visit those churches to deliver your epiphany prayer personally. We will also confirm the delivery of your prayer to your email ID with an optional clip.

We do not charge for your services but any donation from your end will be welcome to meet our travel and printing expenses. So, come, celebrate the epiphany of the lord with us!

5 New Year Prayers & Blessings – Begin 2022 with HOPE!

5 New Year Prayers & Blessings – Begin 2022 with HOPE!

5 New Year Prayers & Blessings - Begin 2022 with HOPE!

A New Year brings with it an excellent opportunity to restart our love and faith for Christ and God. Irrespective of whether 2021 brought joy, fulfillment, and success, or you had to struggle, faced setbacks, and grief, you can look ahead to 2022 with positivity and hope.

Let us end the current year with gratitude in our hearts and begin the New Year with faith and peace.  Catholic prayer requests can help us move into another year with the conviction that Our Lord blesses us and always wants the best things for us.

So, let us pray that 2022 will focus on healing all believers through renewing our minds and deep repentance. It is possible to bring a new ray of hope into our world, home, and heart.

May these five New Year prayers and blessings begin 2022 with renewed hope! So, check them out below:

1. Praying for the Presence of God in the New Year

God, we thank you for being with us always. We know you are in us. Our resolutions may keep changing from year to year but open our ears this year. We wish to hear you and enjoy your presence at all junctions when you tell us to turn left or right. Amen.

2. Praying for a New Start 

Dear Lord, we thank you for a new beginning. It is an incredible day and the potential of a fresh year is unlimited for all of us. We wish to be faithful not only in this new year but also in every opportunity you offer to us. We thank you dear God for our fresh and exciting beginnings. We pray this in Christ’s name. Amen.

3. Praying for Peace in 2022

At the beginning of every day, please support me to recognize your power above everything else. Dear Lord, enlighten my heart’s eyes so that I can see you and observe how you are blessing me throughout my life.

Please give me the wisdom to make the finest choices in my life. Fill my heart with a strong desire to believe in you more than everything else in this universe. Thank you, God, for being better than everything I face in my day. Amen.

4. Praying for New Days 

Dear Father, I thank you for creating all things new. Please help me to live every day with new hope and positivity as another new year arrives. Bless me with the strength to sing a new song for you irrespective of what happens to me. I believe in you since I know you will shower me with new mercies each morning, and whatever lies ahead of me will not surprise you. Amen.

5. Praying to overcome the Struggles in the New Year

Dear Lord, give me the strength to start afresh, to overlook and overcome the struggles and obstacles. Please help me to be patient and give me the courage to realize that it takes some time to begin all over again. God, make me wise enough to seek support from family and friends when I require it. Amen.

About The Salvation Garden

We, The Salvation Garden, are a devoted team who want to open the gates of the Holy Land to believers everywhere. Our goal is to connect believers on this planet with Jerusalem’s holy sites. We will deliver your prayer request to a holy site of your choice.

Every Jerusalem prayer request has digital documentation so that you are connected to the Holy Land. Our Holy Land Prayer Request service comes free of cost as we feel privileged to pray to God on your behalf. However, we appreciate donations to cover our expenses for travel, security, and delivery arrangements.

We allow you to pay through PayPal and Stripe, which are safe to transfer your donations. Your data is safe as we use encrypted SSL security to protect our website. So, hurry up and send your urgent prayer request online now.

Praying at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre: My Experience

Praying at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre: My Experience

Despite temperatures touching 90 degrees, prayers don’t stop at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of the old city. It is hard to believe that these modest walls house the site where Christianity’s four most important events — the crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, are said to have occurred.

What is Significant about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?

The Gospels tell us that the Lord, Jesus, was crucified at Golgotha – the place of the skull. The current complex encompasses that original location. One cannot help but feel overwhelmed by the scope of history and faith that surrounds the courtyard. Wars have been fought and tales of honor among the vanquished abound.

Who Worships at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?

Today, the joint ownership of the Church lies mainly with the Greek Orthodox, the Armenian Orthodox, and the Roman Catholic denominations.

The outer walls of the Church display signs of classic Roman and Baroque architecture. However, parts of the structure have been razed and rebuilt several times. The entrance to the complex can be accessed via a flight of stairs leading up from the‘Cardo’ — the main street of Jerusalem.

Who Holds the Keys to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?

Interestingly, the keys to the Church have traditionally been kept by a Sunni Muslim family since the time of Emperor Saladin. The story goes that the Caliph Umar took possession of the Church peacefully from the Roman patriarch Sophronius on the condition that the houses of worship in Jerusalem would not be harmed. To fulfill these conditions, the Caliph entrusted the keys to a loyal Muslim household called ‘Nussaiba’. When Emperor Saladin re-conquered the city from the Crusaders, he honored Caliph Umar’s arrangement by engaging another Muslim family called ‘Al-Goudia’.

Inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

At the entrance to the Church building, there is usually a long line of pilgrims waiting to be admitted. A series of steps lead up to the Hill of Calvary, where lie two chapels. The lavishly decorated one on the left is believed to be the site of Jesus’ crucifixion. The chapel to the right marks the spot where Jesus was nailed to the Cross. The Rock of Calvary, from the abandoned quarry that existed in Jesus’ time, is now encased in glass beneath the altar, with an opening through which you can touch the old limestone. You can even see a fissure in the rock which is consistent with the story that the earth cracked open upon Jesus’ death as mentioned in the New Testament.

The two chapels correspond to the Eleventh and Twelfth Stations of the Cross or the Via Dolorosa. The Tenth Station, where Jesus is stripped of his garments, also occurred on Calvary. As one watches these divine relics, the Apostle’s Creed comes instinctively to mind:

“I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary; Suffered under Pontius Pilate; Was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into Hell; The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven; And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; The Holy Christian Church, the Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body; And the life everlasting. Amen.“

From the Chapel of the Crucifixion, you can move on to the Stone of Anointing, now covered with a building and lined with ornate candlesticks and frescoes. This is the place where Jesus’ body was laid down and prepared for burial.

If you wish you can visit the immaculate Iconostasis – the link between heaven and the holy place. The Armenian Station of the Holy Women is commemorated by a circular slab with four pillars supporting a marble roof. From here, Mary and the women of Jerusalem are said to have watched the Crucifixion.

The Real Tomb of Jesus Christ

Going past the Station of the Holy Women, you reach the Rotunda, which houses the Tomb of Christ under a massive dome. Archaeologically, this site has been confirmed to be either the actual site of Jesus’ tomb or very close to it because a real tomb existed at the current spot. This area is flanked by barricades where Christian faithful the world over can come and pray for all kinds of miracles. For this is the site of the greatest miracle of all – Jesus Christ’s Resurrection from death — a signifier of forgiveness for mankind’s sins. This site is universally accepted as being the holiest site in Christianity and praying here is an experience Christians should simply not miss.

You can volunteer to pray overnight at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre even as you learn to wait for mass offerings in three different traditions. The doors close by 9 pm at the latest and only open at 4 in the morning. As the Franciscan priests put it, praying at the Holy Sepulchre Church can be painful but very spiritually rewarding afterward.

If by any chance, you are unable to make it to this holiest of holy sites in your lifetime, The Salvation Garden praying community can send a delegation here to pray on your behalf. We will send you photographs and videos of your prayer being recited should you so choose, for a small donation. These donations go toward travel and other logistics to make the trip possible and are only a fraction of the cost it would take for you to perform the journey on your own. Send a prayer request to the Holy Sepulchre Church today.

Know Someone Sick? Maybe A Prayer Can Help​

Know Someone Sick? Maybe A Prayer Can Help​

If you have a family member or a dear friend who has a chronic ailment or suffering silently and showing signs of mental illness or trauma, you start wondering how to reach out to the person. The person might have access to the best medical remedies available yet show no remarkable signs of improvement. In such trying circumstances, turning to the Supreme Being strengthens our heart and gives us the courage to soldier on and deal with our situation. Although you pray for your loved one with faith and sincerity, sometimes you wish to go the extra mile and receive His divine touch for spiritual, emotional or physical healing. An online prayer request to the Holy Land can go a long way to soothe frayed nerves and relieve pain and suffering. Read on to know more about the holy sites where you can send a prayer request.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

This church, also known as the Church of the Anastasis or the Church of the Resurrection, is located within the Old City of Jerusalem. The holy site is significant as it is believed to be the site where Christ was crucified; it also houses Christ’s empty tomb. In 325 AD, Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, built the church; Constantine’s mother Helena discovered the “True Cross”. It is widely believed that the Stone of Anointing marks the spot where Joseph of Arimathea prepared Christ’s body for burial. The main altar contains the Rock of Calvary; it is the most visited spot in the church. Traditionally, the Calvary is believed to be the site of Christ’s crucifixion. If you are unable to travel to the holy site, you can send an online prayer request to receive the healing touch of the Almighty.

Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb

The Golgotha or “the place of the skull” is believed to be the site of Christ’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Further excavations have revealed religious markings (signs of Christian Burials) dating back to the days of Christ. An anchor-cross on the outside wall and a cross carved into the rock face above the tomb were discovered. Two painted crosses were found inside the tomb with Byzantine markings dating back to the 5th or 6th centuries; the crosses were accompanied by Greek letters which referred to Christ as the Alpha and Omega. You can send a prayer request and let His holy touch deliver you from your physical and mental pain.


Church of All Nations

Church of All Nations

There are olive trees dating back hundreds of years at this holy site; popular belief suggests that these trees stood witness when Christ prayed in mortal pain on the eve of his Passion. Hence the Church of All Nations is also known as the Basilica of the Agony. The tympanum is decorated with a modern mosaic; it represents the bond between Christ and Mankind. The lunette in the apse features a mosaic depicting Christ in agony being comforted by an Angel. The side apses have mosaic representations of incidents of Christ’s Passion like the Arrest of Jesus and the Kiss of Judas. You can send an online prayer request to seek divine blessings in your hour of pain.


Abbey of the Dormition

This German Byzantine monastic church is situated on top of Mount Zion. It is said to be the site of the Virgin Mary’s “dormition” or“falling asleep” and ascension to heaven. The dome, floor, and walls are decorated with mosaics depicting the Prophets and Apostles. Above the main altar, the apse features a golden Byzantine-style mosaic portraying the Madonna and Child from 1939. The crypt contains an ivory sculpture of the resting Virgin Mary. You can send a prayer request to this holy site to gain relief from your pain and anguish.

St. Peter’s Church

St. Peter’s Church

This church faces the West, as opposed to most other churches, which face East. The site where the Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter is situated has been revered as a Christian center for more than a thousand years. A church and an inn for pilgrims were constructed here in the 16th century, probably on the ruins of another church. The construction of the present church was finished in 1894. There is a wooden pulpit inside the church carved in the form of a fruiting tree. The arms of Christ and Francis are crossed over the Tau Cross. Below the Franciscan Cross is the cross of the Holy Land, a Greek cross in red with a white background and four similar crosses, one in each quadrant; it is also known as the “Jerusalem Cross”. In Aramaic, Peter’s name is referred to as Cepha, the word for “rock”; legend goes that Christ had told St. Peter at Banias that he is the “rock” upon which his church would be built. When this church was built, the cross was fastened upon a rock brought from Banias. You can send a prayer to receive the much-needed balm for your aching mind and body.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.

The Rosary is the New Must Have

The Rosary is the New Must Have

The Rosary is the most recognizable form of Catholic devotion, but not just for Catholic. Sadly, it is a devotion that has fallen out of fashion for many Catholics and non-Catholics.

Even though this is unfortunate, the Rosary remains as one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal and tool for spiritual warfare and one of the most powerful aids in the pursuit of a fruitful spiritual life.

The following are reasons as to why the rosary is the new must have:

Mary’s Promises for Daily Devotion These are the fifteen promises given by Mary:

  1. To all those who shall pray my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and great graces.
  2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive signal graces.
  3. The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin, and dispel heresy.
  4. The Rosary will make virtue and good works it will destroy vice, deliver from sin, and dispel heresy. The Rosary will make virtue and good works flourish and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that soul would sanctify themselves by this means.
  5. Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish.
  6. Whoever recites my Rosary devoutly, reflecting on the mysteries, shall never be overwhelmed by misfortune. He will not experience the anger of God nor will he perish by an unprovided death. The sinner will be converted; the just will persevere in grace and merit eternal life.
  7. Those truly devoted to my Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
  8. Those who are faithful to recite my Rosary shall have during their life and at their death, the light of God and the plenitude of His graces and will share in the merits of the blessed.
  9. I will deliver promptly from Purgatory souls devoted to my Rosary.
  10. True children of my Rosary will enjoy great glory in Heaven.
  11. What you shall ask through my Rosary you shall obtain.
  12. To those who propagate my Rosary I promise to aid in all their necessities.
  13. I have obtained from my Son that all the members of the Rosary Confraternity shall have as their intercessors, in life and in death, the entire celestial court.
  14. Those who recite my Rosary faithfully are my beloved children, the brothers, and sisters of Jesus Christ.
  15. Devotion to my Rosary is a special sign of predestination.

You should also pray the rosary every day because it lets you know your mother better, which then lets you know Jesus better.

The rosary also has power against the evil and will protect you, hence making it the new must-have.

We, The Salvation Garden, offer you the chance to send your urgent prayer requests for any reason. Allow us to pray for you! Send your Urgent Prayer Requests now.

Our dedicated team members will personally take your urgent prayer requests to a Church of your choice in the Holy Land and then offer them to our Lord. After we bring your prayer requests to your chosen Holy Church, we will send you videos or pictures to assure you.



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